Flights STILL landing in Canada from China — no temperature checks – IOTW Report

Flights STILL landing in Canada from China — no temperature checks

Rebel News: So, it was just announced that the Canadian border shall remain closed to non-essential traffic for another month. Sounds like Canada is turning into the Hermit Kingdom, eh? Until you read the fine print, that is.

Because the borders in question are the land borders between the United States and our great Dominion (we hope that mandate still includes the infamous “irregular” border that straddles the province of Quebec and New York State, but who knows?)

What has not been closed down — still — are the country’s international airports. Flights from Qatar to Pakistan are still arriving on a weekly or sometimes daily basis. And yes, that includes flights from Beijing and Shanghai as in China — as in, you know, the epicentre of the Wuhan virus.

Then again, wouldn’t want to be accused of being racist by preventing airlines arriving from China mind you… more

4 Comments on Flights STILL landing in Canada from China — no temperature checks

  1. I looked up today because I heard something strange.

    A commercial airplane taking off from Toronto Pearson airport heading due East.

    It is a rare thing now days to see and hear a jet unless it is a 1963 Snowbird jet that should have, and was to be, replaced with the aprox. $750,000,000 Former Prime Minister Harper set aside.

    Prime minister Turdsticker, stopped it. He ordered retrofits which were yet to be completed and we have lost 2 planes 2019 & 2020, injured 2 pilots and killed one press agent.

    I have told many of my friends to research the Breitling flight team and watch them on You tube. Then make a call or write a letter Prime Minister Turdstick.

    1 accident on Sept 15, 2012, No death, no injuries, no significant property damage.

    It is a disgrace to keep loosing people to plane that is older than the motherfucker poorly leading the country.


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