China Locks Down Region of 100 Million People – IOTW Report

China Locks Down Region of 100 Million People

A new outbreak and lockdown in China’s North East region of Dongbei is sending shockwaves through the nation, with authorities dismissing government and party officials, and with the Chinese Vice Premier being despatched to a major city affected.

The latest ‘Wuhan-style’ lockdown measures were reportedly prompted by the infection of a laundry worker, resulting in Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials reclassifying the area as “high risk” on May 10th. MORE

17 Comments on China Locks Down Region of 100 Million People

  1. Funny how China hides everything for two months, and then when we are reopening successfully, they suddenly reveal they have a huge sEcOnD wAvE. Sorry, China, Trump already said we are NOT shutting back down if you and your bought-off Americans try to phony up a sEcOnD wAvE to scare us. So f—k right off, then.

  2. Filthy lying motherfucking fraudster commie bastard scum.

    Meanwhile CHYNA is harassing Indian troops at their boarders.

    Wake the fuck up world!

  3. This is all bullshit! Another China lie for our media to scare people into submitting to more house arrest from our own Commie bureaucrats and wrecking our economy. I’d rather get the Gook flu than have this be the “new” normal.


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