“I Would Vote For Joe Biden If He Boiled Babies And Ate Them” – IOTW Report

“I Would Vote For Joe Biden If He Boiled Babies And Ate Them”

Trending Politics- Columnist for ‘The Nation” Katha Pollitt posted a bizarre article where she defended former Vice President and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden against the serious sexual assault accusation he is facing from his former staffer Tara Reade, stating that she “would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled babies and ate them.”

Pollitt made it clear that she really doesn’t care about women who were sexually assaulted and/or raped considering she made it clear that she would vote for Biden even if he had raped Reade. “Fortunately, I don’t have to sacrifice morality to political necessity,” she explained.

25 Comments on “I Would Vote For Joe Biden If He Boiled Babies And Ate Them”

  1. This upcoming election is going to be especially rewarding to watch as these disgusting assholes will howl in agony.

    Practice socialist distancing.


  2. “I would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled babies and ate them,” Pollitt wrote. “He wasn’t my candidate, but taking back the White House is that important. Four more years of Trump will replace what remains of our democracy with unchecked rule by kleptocrats, fascists, religious fanatics, gun nuts, and know-nothings.”

    That pretty much defines American politics and Americans today.

    Two divided and opposed sides with no possibility of peaceful reconciliation between them.

    Not the first time we have faced that situation, the only question I have about it is which side will win and will there still be an America after it is finally settled?

  3. As things stand, the left has packed courts who say that babies aren’t persons, and they therefor have the right to kill them.

    I have a dream. A dream where we pack the courts with judges who rule that liberals aren’t persons. Then, if we find a liberal to be inconvenient, …….

  4. What kind of sick effing mind comes up with this grotesque thought and announces it to the world? Okay, in 2016 when I asked the Lord for these Dem’s to expose themselves for what they really are, perhaps they would hang on their gallows as Haman did. This is some pure evil. Waiting for the gallows.

  5. I’ve noticed the left has come up with some lengthy and crafty explanations to vote for Joe, boiling babies is just another.

    The shortest and most concise is the best. Occam’s razor.

    Trump in a single word: WINNING.

    The left can go pound sand.

  6. We are supposed to believe that Boiling babies and eating them is hyperbole meant to make a point. Except this is from a person (and a party) that is just fine with literally cutting live babies Into pieces and selling their body parts.

  7. “I Would Vote For Joe Biden If He Boiled Babies And Ate Them”

    ..well, first of all, he probably DOES. I think it’s a ritual when you get to “leadership” to cement your worship of Baal, just not sure about the “boiing” part. Althogh that may also be a recipe for Aderochrome, which is how they keep these geriatric perverts going.

    Second, Democrats have a LOT of uses for children. They use them for political footballs, for stage decorations, starve them for display, murder them for ritual, program them for hate, sell them for parts, torture them for the aforementioned Adremochrome, and rape them for both pleasure and to cement their omerta by having it documented so they can destroy each other if they ever turn on each other. See the rise of Hitler and how he destroyed the leadership of the Sturmabteilung for a progenitor account of how that works. And no, Epstein didn’t kill himself.

    Anyway, doesn’t matter. It won’t be him anyway.

    Some say Hillary, which isn’t beyond the pale, but that would be a tough sell even WITH the undoubtedly massive cheating. Her brand is pretty tainted, and what’s been seen isn’t going to be unseen. Hillary would only work as Joe’s VP, and no one, not even Joe, would expect him to survive that.

    No, they need a literal and figurative dark horse, one who can bring Black people back to the plantation just by being one, one with a famous name deeply associated with Black pride, one who has no record of “her” own to use against “her” so they can once again have a Tabula Rasa voters can be made to falsely project their own hopes and dreams on just like before, one who ALREADY enjoys TONS of media support and protected class debate armor, who is technically a “woman” to draw female votes by the millions for alleged sexual solidarity, but will ALSO seal ALL the rabid, sometimes vicious, support of the clinically insane LGBT whatever community “she” winkingly belongs to, is entirely lazy so will abdicate ALL decisions reliably to the Deep State as “she” has no belief or value system of “her” own, can be counted on to be the Angry Black “Woman” voice when arguing for whatever Unconstitutional thing they want to do next from whatever internstiinsl vacation resort we’re currently paying for “Her” to be at, will let those who wish to complete the destruction of America “her” “husband” started restart as just a matter of course, will play the tyrant with gusto when called upon to do so, and is young enough to make “President For Life” a viable threat.

    I’m talking about, of course, “Michelle” Obama.

    “She” checks ALL the SJW boxes, is debate proof because of numerous protected class status (anything is met with racist/ sexist/homophobe/whatever so no actual answers required), can plausibly ride to the White house on minority bloc voting (including the 150% Black vote turnouts that it’s racist to even question) and ALL the liberal votes from the rabid, the vapid, the indoctrinated, the guilty, and the actually criminal so even HIGH levels of vote fraud can be explained away.

    Add Stacy Abrams as a VP pick and you have a historically first DOUBLE Black ticket it would be hard for preprogramned Millennials NOT to vote for, with at least ONE actual woman on it, and the literal gravity that would add would make it a truly heavyweight ticket, as fat-shaming is only legal for Democrats, not to mention ALL the times Stacey will claim she had the Governorship of GA “stolen” from her by racist, don’t let it happen AGAIN.

    Of course Mooch will also pretend unwillingness so “she’ll” have to be “drafted” at the Convention, allowing her to be Caesar thrice refusing the Crown before becoming Cincinnatus “reluctantly” accepting the dictatorship ” in a crisis” but ONLY because “all the free people of the world cry out to “her” to lead them Mosaically out of the wilderness.

    As has been planned, orchatrated, and choreographed from the start.

    Mooch WILL be the Democrat’s President.

    Depend on it.

  8. “The Nation” is a publication of Comintern (Communist International).

    That one of its propagandists would write so honestly is surprising.
    Their panicked fear must be great, indeed.
    This is an open admission of Biden’s guilt and culpability in both the Reade case, and, implicitly, in the Ukraine and Chinese scamming. Regardless of his competency and guilt – THE OFFICE IS TOO IMPORTANT TO TAKE A MORAL STAND! Think about that for a second. We must jettison morality for the sake of the PARTY! The PARTY is, explicitly, AMORAL!

    Biden is a buffoon, a possible rapist, a definite groper, a crook, a corrupt-o-crat, a greedy debased perverted creepy tool of the patriarchy – but HE’s OURS!

    Quite an admission.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. @SNS: It would be interesting to see her & Trump debating. I could see DJT winding her up to the point where she goes full nigger. It would be like watching a tornado – fascinating & frightening at the same time.


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