Janice Dean slams Ana Navarro and the ‘clown show’ Cuomos – IOTW Report

Janice Dean slams Ana Navarro and the ‘clown show’ Cuomos

Daily Caller: Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean and Ana Navarro engaged in a heated exchange Thursday over a CNN segment with anchor Chris Cuomo and his brother, Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

The two were discussing a segment from CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” during which Chris mocked Andrew over a video of his coronavirus test.

When Media Research Center’s Nicholas Fondacaro pointed out the fact that Chris was engaging in televised sibling rivalry rather than asking the hard questions — such as why his brother had ordered nursing homes to accept patients with confirmed or suspected coronavirus cases — Navarro defended the Cuomos.

“For months, @CNN has carried almost 24/7 sobering Covid-news. A few minutes of friendly bantering b/w 2 brothers w/high-profile, high-stress jobs, is not supposed to be journalism. It’s called humor. It is a coping mechanism for some of us. Simple. If it offends you, don’t watch,” Navarro said.

“One guy faked his own quarantine. The other guy let recovering Covid patients back into nursing homes which ultimately I believe killed one or both of my in-laws,” Dean responded. “If this clown show happened on Fox, you’d be raging. Sit down, please.” MORE

8 Comments on Janice Dean slams Ana Navarro and the ‘clown show’ Cuomos

  1. Does this change anything or will everything just keep being the same and going the same way as it is now? Does it even change the speed at which it is going?

  2. Why should’t Cuomo be brought up on charges???
    We all know that If President Trump had done something like this every democRAT and their stooges in the Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media would be screaming bloody murder, organizing another impeachment and demanding his head on a pike!!


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