‘Believe All Women’ Is Actually Just a Right-Wing Trap! – IOTW Report

‘Believe All Women’ Is Actually Just a Right-Wing Trap!

The NY Times Logic Scramble.

12 Comments on ‘Believe All Women’ Is Actually Just a Right-Wing Trap!

  1. This guy spent 10 minutes thoroughly taking apart the oh so convenient bullshit of #BelieveAllWomen. As if some REgressive crunt is going sit and listen to it.

    Their attention span for counter arguments is very limited. Calling them out as fucking hypocrites is more appropriate.

  2. The Goddamned Democrats have really shit in their own mess kit on this one. I can’t begin to count the number of coeds who fell under the spell of every “charismatic” prog leader of college progdom that came along who were later crying about sexual harassment etc very shortly thereafter. If they had learned anything from the experience I might have had sympathy, as it was pity was the best I could do.

    This Johnny come lately “Me Too” turning on prog boob jumpers from the past and present is nothing but the rankest of rank opportunism on the “victim’s” part. It has more to do with, like everything to do with, the internecine struggles going on within the Democrat coalition than anything else. I’ll take it though.

  3. Understanding feminists is not difficult. Think of a man, and then take away reason and accountability and you have a feminist.

    (With apologies to Jack Nicholson in “As Good As It Gets.”)


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