Trump aims to cut red tape tying up doctors – IOTW Report

Trump aims to cut red tape tying up doctors

Washington Examiner:

The White House is aiming to cut occupational regulations permanently for doctors and nurses that have been suspended temporarily during the pandemic to spur economic growth, a top adviser to President Trump said.

“The White House has a long interest in further cutting down occupational regulations or state licensing requirements that are unnecessary,” said Tomas Philipson, acting chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. “Obviously, we want to have exams for medical doctors, etc., but that’s something that I think is very valuable in terms of an overall economic agenda.”

The Trump administration has suspended scores of healthcare regulations to give the industry latitude in responding to the pandemic. It has deregulated telemedicine, for example, by allowing doctors to get paid for seeing patients electronically as opposed to in a doctor’s office. Previously, doctors were penalized for seeing patients on a Zoom call, for example, Philipson said, instead of in person.

Giving patients and doctors telemedicine options could boost growth because people often take a day or two days off work to go and see a doctor in person, which Philipson said is “a lot of time off for people in the workforce.” more here

3 Comments on Trump aims to cut red tape tying up doctors

  1. I told my sisters that if I get the ChinaVirus and if my doctor cannot perscribe HCQ, zinc and Az for me, to call the White House.

    I will do the same for them. I will not let any one of us suffer because my governor, Wretched Witless, wants to play tyrant.


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