President Trump should pardon Barack Obama – IOTW Report

President Trump should pardon Barack Obama

The ultimate troll move.

TheBlaze: 2020 has been a rough year already. We’re aging in dog years now. We’ve already been through an impeachment, the worst pandemic in a century, the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, and now we’re unmasking perhaps the greatest political scandal in American history. And it’s not even June.

We need healing as a country. As I’m told, frequently, we’re all in this together. To that end, we need something to rally the nation as one people once more, and this is how we’re going to do it — one troll to rule them all.

Donald Trump is more than just a president. He’s America’s troll-in-chief. From “low energy Jeb” to “fake news” and “lock her up,” he masterfully used the quick-draw capability of social media to brand his political opponents all the way to the White House. Which is why I must confess to being surprised he has yet to realize he’s sitting on the greatest troll of all time. The troll of trolls. The greatest troll ever trolled.

President Trump should pardon Barack Obama for “ObamaGate.”

Just think of President Trump standing up at one of his rallies, maybe even holding it in Obama’s home state of Illinois, and announcing the following on national television in front of one of his adoring crowds:

This country has been through Hell this year fighting the invisible enemy, coronavirus. But we’re coming back, and coming back strong. This will be one of the great American comeback stories, except there’s one thing we still desperately need right now. We need less division and more unity in our country. We all suffered together, and we can only come back together.

And I think as your president, it’s my place to make the first move.

37 Comments on President Trump should pardon Barack Obama

  1. He’s in the wrestling hall of fame. He deals well with archetypes and a circus atmosphere.

    You already have Biden saying that he’s not pardoning Trump for whatever imaginary crime they will make up.

    The chutzpah. The guy who should be shot on the steps of the Supreme Court for selling out our country to China and Russia for his own and his son’s self interest is talking about sending the current President to jail when both he and his former boss should be buried under that jail for undermining our entire democracy both before and after 2016.

  2. I’ve been to Diego Garcia and that’s too good for him. There’s that teeny tiny guano covered island in the I.O. though. If he were sent to his Elba that would be good.

  3. I don’t remember where I read it, but I have read about this scenario before. It’s not the pardon that is significant, but rather getting the crime on the record tied to Obutphuk and Biteme that the pardon accomplishes.

    The pardon is meaningless. The crime is forever.

  4. posted this yesterday … early, early morning

    “Joel Pollack had a thought-provoking piece posted on Breitbart today … what if PDT just pardons Obama & Biden?

    think about it … he knows (as we all do) that neither will be prosecuted but, by pardoning them for crimes they ‘supposedly’ committed, they’ll be ‘charged’ on the record … forever! …. nice ‘legacy’

    … makes you think ….”

    I dont much go with what’s-his-face anymore, but on this one, it’s a home run out of the park

  6. I have a different vision.

    I even wrote A.G. Barr an email and explained that I and millions of American patriots would volunteer to build the gallows.

  7. @Thirdtwin – George Papa says this is going to be a big week continue to TRY to be patient…

    I’ve thought about this, a lot, exile is the only real option, given he will not be imprisoned nor put to death for treason.

    Shame, on that level, is the greatest revenge, basically “a man without a country” to speak of.

    The fantasy includes having The Traitor confess, publicly, to his crimes and then being banished forever from this Country.

    This would be part of the “Art of the Deal” – DJT style of course…


  8. DJT has said that this should never be allowed to happen again. To just expose the crimes and shame them isn’t nearly enough to satisfy me. They don’t know shame, and half the country would give them a parade. They’ll all be right back at it, same old Deep State.

    To discourage this from happening again, max penalties should be applied. That’s my vote.

  9. He has to be put to death. If not, some future snowflake president will release him from prison and the plan will continue. All of them must go, it’s the only message potential traitors understand.

  10. Or, we could wait to see if anything comes of the investigation and prosecute accordingly.

    I dunno’, I just figure everyone is a fucking idiot where Beck comes from.

  11. Ghost, I really believe now that Barky scampered off to Tahiti in 2017 because a lot of things were up in the air right after Trump took office. Barky couldn’t be sure that his treason would remain hidden indefinitely. Turns out that it couldn’t remain hidden, and soon, he may revert to that rootless, citizen-of-the-world life of his childhood.

    He never wrote the book he promised, and he never built his library. That could be attributed to laziness, but I’m not so sure anymore.

  12. Ghost, I really believe now that Barky scampered off to Tahiti in 2017 because a lot of things were up in the air right after Trump took office. Barky couldn’t be sure that his treason would remain hidden indefinitely. Turns out that it couldn’t remain hidden, and soon, he may revert to that rootless, citizen-of-the-world life of his childhood.

    He never wrote the book he promised, and he never built his library. That could be attributed to laziness, but I’m not so sure anymore.

  13. Pardon hell, start with a 2am no knock raid. Let Barry know how it feels to stand outside in cuffs while people go through all his fraudulent paperwork and confiscate his computers.

  14. Sorry Dirtball (and others) but you underestimate the power of the race card. Even though it is worn out, tattered and torn, it still trumps the truth card.

    Your wish isn’t going to come true, no matter how righteous it is – and IT IS righteous, as you and I both know.

  15. @the dirtball – GOOD idea, add the house arrest to the ‘fantasy’ (we could pick up Rice and Jarrett living in the basement and attic at his place in DC at the same time!), …I agree with you all…NO pardon, just EXILE the PRICK.

    We can execute or imprison the others, there is NO precedent for NOT doing this to cabinet members.

    The thing is, they will get plea deals to get the The Ring Master, The Traitor…

  16. The ‘pardonee’ has to accept the pardon. Barry the Cocksucker won’t.

    Better yet, Trump should just invite obama to the White House and beat the shit out of him.

  17. @ ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

    The best thing about pardoning the SOB would be to stop endless, time and money wasting investigations THAT GO NOWHERE!

    Cut the obamination cancer out and go forward. Stop hoping justice will be applied. Then work on cutting out the cancers in congress. And GET RID OF LOBBYISTS!


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