This Iowa GOP Primary Contender Once Called Trump and Clinton Equally ‘Liars And Corrupt’ – IOTW Report

This Iowa GOP Primary Contender Once Called Trump and Clinton Equally ‘Liars And Corrupt’

Now look at her Twitter feed. Suddenly, she’s pro-Trump.
And Joni Ernst is supporting her. Can she be trusted?
If you’re in Iowa, give us the low-down on this chick.

National Pulse: Marriannette Miller-Meeks, a Republican primary candidate for Iowa’s 2nd Congressional district, believes Donald Trump is “as fit as Hillary Clinton” to be president, insisting the two are “both liars and corrupt” during the 2016 election.

The three-time congressional race loser’s tweet continued, drawing a distinction between the two candidates’ avenues for corruption: “he did it legally, she broke laws, used government position & hurt national sec.”

While Miller-Meeks has recently attempted to tout herself as a strong supporter of President Trump, these newly discovered comments will inform voters otherwise.

The news comes shortly after Miller-Meeks’s flip-flop on abortion – declaring herself “pro-choice” in 2018 but now campaigning as an ardent pro-lifer. more

19 Comments on This Iowa GOP Primary Contender Once Called Trump and Clinton Equally ‘Liars And Corrupt’

  1. Grew up iowa and have family and friends there. I dont know this mmm person, shes been around for some time.
    Endorsement from ernst means little, my smarter friends back there call her a post turtle. Rino neocon open borders (D+ from numbersusa). Very much a lightweight.

  2. I always thought that hyphenating the family name was something akin to proving one’s liberal bona fides. When asked why, I’ve been told by women that it’s to keep their identities, or to simplify adjustments in life after a potential divorce. I’m sure that’s not always the case, but I still think it a strange practice.

  3. Joni Ernst is the Cory Gardener of Iowa(that’s not a good thing). OTOH Meeks main opponent has been endorsed by Jim Jordan and that, to me, is a golden endorsement.

    Unfortunately Meeks has raised some serious cash on top of Schilling(her main opponent) having to temporarily suspend campaigning for cancer surgery.

    If I had to bet on this one, looks like another back stabbing RINO(Meeks) will face off against the dem.

    Still it’s all about numbers and if Meeks does win the primary, she’ll get my full half hearted support.

  4. It’s rare to be the same in office as during the campaign.

    Someone has to actually take office before you know this.

    I suppose everyone hopes for the best, but most of the people who actually pay attention to their representatives end up disappointed. And only a few actually pay that much attention anyway, they just listen to rhetoric during the campaigns and forget about it afterward.

  5. I don’t know this person but she is running against Bobby Schilling in the primary. He is a former congressman out of Rock Island, Ill. who moved to Iowa to avoid the high taxes. He has ten children, started his own pizza businesss and is a pro-life man. I coached Bobby in football in the 80’s and he’s an incredibly smart and caring man.

  6. Hyphenated name.

    Prone to hysteria.

    Ophthalmology – same as Bashar al-Assad – not that there’s anything wrong with that.

    If she can see no difference between President Trump and HRC she’s a poor judge of character.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Many candidates were against President Trump before they were for him. We’ve got at least two here in New Mexico. Claire Chase for 2nd district US Representative and Mark Ronchetti for US Senate.

    On the bright side, Rep. Jim Jordan endorsed Yvette Herrell for 2nd district.

  8. “Hyphenated name.

    Prone to hysteria.”


  9. Joni may have castrated a few hogs, but she’s proven herself fairly RINO-ish.

    NOBODY can out-conservative Rep. Steve King and most of the RINO party went right along with or believes the smears against him.
    Dropped him from all cabinet positions and the guy could’ve been so very helpful to Jordan, Meadows, Gohmert, etc. A few jackasses in media ‘distill’ the words and ‘thoughts’ of King or any Repub and everyone else runs with it – prints it or repeats the lies on camera.

  10. Sigh…..I get SOOO tired of GOP chameleon politicians like Ernst, this chick, Romney, Mia Love, etc.

    How about standing for something other than your career and personal power?


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