Catherine Herridge Outs Democrat Mark Warner for Complaining About Exposing Obama Admin Unmaskers – IOTW Report

Catherine Herridge Outs Democrat Mark Warner for Complaining About Exposing Obama Admin Unmaskers

100% Fed Up: Senate Intelligence Committee member Mark Warner is knee-deep in the Russian Collusion Hoax against President Trump (see below). He’s trying to play Swamp Games with tough as nails acting DNI Richard Grenell, and it’s not working out too well for him.

He should be exposed along with others in the Obama administration, but they keep putting up roadblocks to transparency. While Democrats are always saying they want transparency, they don’t want their dirty deeds exposed for all to see. Evidence below shows Warner is nervous about releasing the names of those who unmasked members of the Trump administration. Warner questioned Acting DNI Richard Grenell’s intent on releasing the names even though there is no risk in doing so.

Catherine Herridge tweeted out the letter that is a response to Warner from Grenell:

Senator Mark Warner’s May 20th letter requested underlying intel reports and “rationale for declassifying these unmasking requests.”
Richard Grenell responds: “I find it puzzling that your letter initially complains about the declassification of the identities of unmaskers…a declassification that posed no conceivable risks to sources or methods, only to then request the declassification of actual intelligence reports.” read more

10 Comments on Catherine Herridge Outs Democrat Mark Warner for Complaining About Exposing Obama Admin Unmaskers

  1. Riots breaking out in Minneapolis. It’s over the killing of a black man, though, not the lockdown.

    So watch for the great big giant pivot in the media from protesters are awful to protesters are awesome. lmao

    Why doesn’t someone go on tv and just call out these media dnc bootlickers for what they are. Just drown them with the most vicious rhetoric ever.

    I’m a little bit disgusted with constantly hearing how i’m a nazi and our side is too damn afraid to give it right back to those scumbags.

  2. warner has doggy do on his shoes and pelosi’s ice cream on his lips
    he’s as corrupt as corrupt can be- he tried to back channel steele through a 3rd party and clearly stated he wanted no records of his doing so.
    “Sen. Mark Warner Traded Secret Texts with Russian Oligarch’s Lobbyist Linked to Hillary”

    But, now we’re supposed to think we’re in good hands.
    we aren’t.
    “Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) dismissed the report because he claimed that Warner made the texts known to the committee.”
    that was after warner had been confronted with the evidence and didn’t have an ‘out.’.
    rubio is a rube. The Senate intelligence committee is in the swamp.

  3. corksmoker was elected due to name recognition of five time senator John Warner. Just more of the same. We didn’t have a very promising candidate in Jim Gilmore, but he was at least pro 2A and against murdering infants…….

  4. Did you ever notice that facts inconvenient to democrats are called ‘debunked” by the media, but the Steele Dossier (which has been thoroughly proven false) is Always referred to as “unverified “.


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