Roger Stone Files Appeal of Conviction – IOTW Report

Roger Stone Files Appeal of Conviction

Newsmax: Former Trump campaign operative Roger Stone on Tuesday appealed his conviction of witness tampering and lying to investigators in as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia election interference probe.

Stone was sentenced to 40 months in prison by federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson, but the sentence has been deferred.

Stone has criticized what he called the “corrupt prosecution” against him and the judge’s handling of the case. read more

8 Comments on Roger Stone Files Appeal of Conviction

  1. Roger Stone and his wife were rousted out of bed in the early morning by more armed agents than the Gestapo used to arrest the men who attempted to kill Adolph Hitler. How American was that? He was used to add another victim to Robespierre Mueller’s Committee of Public Safety during his attempt to overthrow a duly elected President of the United States of America. Roger Stone deserves a fair trial or a full pardon.

  2. I’m about sick of waiting on AG Barr to get off his plump ass and do something.
    Maybe he can start by explaining how the democrats can move to convict and jail their political enemies with such speed and efficiency while we’ve yet to see charges brought against anyone of their party who clearly broke the law.
    To allow those hauled off by the corrupt goons and rot in jail by clearly illegal actions while we hope for some hint of activity by the DOJ is getting sickening.
    Why isn’t the president pressuring more? Time is not an ally.
    Fire Barr, release the remaining documents and put a fighter in there. Barr is investigating too many of his friends and that should preclude him from direct involvement. There’s plenty of patriots willing to step up.

  3. gin blossom, Barr said May for Durham’s report to be made available. It’s almost June. It’s looking like some severe foot dragging.

    I’m holding out hope because from what I know about Durham, he’s a pretty serious man.

    My ideal AG would be Joe deGenova-he would put the shivers into REgressives.

  4. I’m also frustrated by the long delays in bringing these seditious traitors to heel, but I don’t want any of them getting off because the proper legal procedures were not followed by the Department of Justice. The fact that most of them have stopped mouthing off on MSNBC and CNN proxy means their lawyers know that the walls are closing in and their days are numbered. Maybe there’s a rat in the rodents’ nest squealing like John Dean. This is taking longer because it’s such a huge conspiracy. I’m willing to wait for Justice to grind these bastards to bits and for their lawyers to bill them to death.


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