Rod Rosenstein Scheduled to Testify to Senate Judiciary Committee – June 3rd – IOTW Report

Rod Rosenstein Scheduled to Testify to Senate Judiciary Committee – June 3rd

Conservative Treehouse:
CTH wants details.  Details on the process of this testimony from Rod Rosenstein; how it will be structured, how much time the committee will allow; who is questioning, Skype or in-person? Why are details important? Because CTH has enough questions to take more than a full day just from our independent research.

Additionally, Rosenstein is at the epicenter of the ‘insurance policy’ phase of the coup against President Trump.  If the intent of Graham is to provide both transparency or a cover-up, former Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein is who you’d start with on both fronts.

According to numerous media reports Rod Rosenstein is scheduled to be the first witness to testify before Senator Lindsey Graham’s Judiciary Committee.

We have over two dozen documented contacts between Rosenstein and Robert Mueller before the special counsel was launched.  The first contact was a phone call the morning after former FBI Director James Comey was fired.  Literally hours after Comey was fired, based -in part- on a letter written by the former DAG recommending the firing, Rosenstein was coordinating the appointment of the special counsel to investigate President Trump.

You could spend several hours of inquiry into just that part of the decision-making process alone; without even touching the ramifications of his role in the Carter Page FISA applications and what came next.   Rosenstein was also the principle influence agent in 2018 who told President Trump not to declassify any documents requested by congress or POTUS would be facilitating an ‘obstruction’ charge against the office of the President.

Yeah, Rosenstein has a lot to answer for.

15 Comments on Rod Rosenstein Scheduled to Testify to Senate Judiciary Committee – June 3rd

  1. So much bullshit and so much ‘monkey motion’ it’s almost impossible to give a shit anymore.

    They have beaten us down to a point of not giving a phuck, mostly because the politicians we have elected offer nothing but lip service.

  2. @Crackerbaby

    I hear what you’re saying but for the sake of nit-picking….I don’t consider Trump a politician but rather a genuine leader.
    And YES–God bless him.

  3. Too bad ex-acting DNI Grenell isn’t in a position to ask questions of RR. Lindsey Graham? We might as well have Trey Gowdy up there. Who can we count on to do a proper interrogation? I’m thinking, and nothing is happening.

  4. He’s one of the Deep State enablers. Without his participation in this seditious, traitorous plot to overturn the election of President Trump, Robespierre Mueller and his Committee of Public Safety would never have been allowed to pretend to be searching for Russian Collusion and obstructing a dishonest investigation. He needs to be castrated to prevent him from trying to pretend to be an innocent bystander to this attempted coup.

  5. Lindsey is doing a “Trey”!
    Rod is a SECOND STRINGER! He started the game on the bench! Was on the field for very little time!

    To resolve this we need to bring in the FIRST STRINGERS. The men who started the game and were on the field for most of the game!

    Uncle Joe would call Lindsey’s farce a “Show Trial”. “Convicting” Rod will have no impact on the criminals who committed the crime!
    It will allow liberals to say “Justice is done”! knowing they lie!

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