The ‘Mustard Seed’ that Grew to Liberate Christian Spain from Muslim Rule – IOTW Report

The ‘Mustard Seed’ that Grew to Liberate Christian Spain from Muslim Rule

American Thinker:

By Raymond Ibrahim

Nearly thirteen hundred years ago today, on May 28, 722[i], a little known but profoundly important battle was waged that set the tone for the next eight hundred years of Christian-Muslim “coexistence” in Spain: the Battle of Covadonga. 

Ten years earlier, Arabs and Africans, both under the banner of Islam, had “godlessly invaded Spain to destroy it,” to quote from the Chronicle of 754.  Once on European soil, they “ruined beautiful cities, burning them with fire; condemned lords and powerful men to the cross; and butchered youths and infants with the sword.”

After meeting and beating Spain’s Visigothic nobles at the Battle of Guadalete — “never was there in the West a more bloody battle than this,” wrote the Muslim chronicler al-Hakam, “for the Muslims did not withdraw their scimitars from them [Christians] for three days” — the invaders continued to penetrate northward into Spain, “not passing a place without reducing it, and getting possession of its wealth, for Allah Almighty had struck with terror the hearts of the infidels.”

Such terrorism was intentionally cultivated, in keeping with the Koran (3:151, 8:12, etc.). For instance, the invaders slaughtered, cooked, and pretended to eat Christian captives, while releasing others who, horrified, fled and “informed the people of Andalus [Spain] that the Muslims feed on human flesh,” thereby “contributing in no small degree to increase the panic of the infidels,” wrote al-Maqqari, another Muslim chronicler. more

6 Comments on The ‘Mustard Seed’ that Grew to Liberate Christian Spain from Muslim Rule

  1. The conquest and prolonged dominance of Islam was, in every instance, facilitated by disunity and treachery among its “opponents”.

    Spain could have been recovered within a generation, or at any time within the intervening 700 years before final victory.

    The Ottomans rose to power and eventually conquered the Byzantines only because of the treachery of Rome and Venice. Ottoman expansion and rule was always facilitated by the action or inaction of Christian rulers, and later, political leaders.

    The Charge of the Light Brigade was in defense of the Ottomans against Russia.

    Even after the fall of the Ottoman empire, in WWI, the Turks were enabled in their slaughter of millions of Armenian, Greek and Syriac Christians by the victorious western powers.

    Nothing changes.

  2. @AC Parker, today’s Christian leaders are still for the most part silent on everything from Governors stripping our rights to the atrocities of islamists all over the world, to the slaughter of Christians in Nigeria.
    They embrace the African muslims who come here with the intention of building mosques and having so many babies they’ll outnumber us.
    Today’s takeover attempt is not as bloody as in Spain for those 800 years but it is becoming more successful as seen in Europe.

  3. BUT. BUT
    My President told me RELIGION OF PEACE!
    a month after the Muslim (ALL 24 KNOW PARTICIPANTS WERE/ARE MUS!) attacks f 911.

    Are you implying America’s first Muslim President lied about religion?


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