Maine teen swims 600 yards to save father, sister after fishing boat capsizes – IOTW Report

Maine teen swims 600 yards to save father, sister after fishing boat capsizes

FOX: A Maine teenager swam the length of six football fields over the weekend to help save her sister and father after their boat capsized during a fishing trip, a news report says.

Kiana French, 16, made the journey in the frigid waters of Parlin Pond in Somerset County amid windy conditions, according to the Morning Sentinel newspaper of Waterville.

“I really love my sister. My sister is pretty much a part of me,” she said. “I care about her and we’ve been through a lot together. I didn’t want anything to happen to her, and I love my dad. Family comes first.” more here

4 Comments on Maine teen swims 600 yards to save father, sister after fishing boat capsizes

  1. Congratulations to this fine young lady! America’s finest.


    Now, about those riots. As long as it’s liberal cities, i have no sympathy. Liberals lied us into the lockdown and destroyed the economy. Let their cities burn to the ground.

  2. Wonderful story….in the days of bad news.


    Just got this from the “Seattle Emergency Operations Center” as a text:

    “The City of Seattle is asking all residents to immediately disperse from downtown. The City has imposed an immediate curfew of 5 pm. Info from the Seattle Emergency Operations Center”

    Antifa and the (cough)”spontaneous” protestors are literally all wet. Today began with booming peals of thunder and it’s now raining big, big rain in the downtown area. At least it will be hard to keep any fires going. LOL!

  3. So nice to see a young person exhibit courage and love.
    She should be an example to show other young people instead of ignorant, phony, paid thugs.


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