One retired Marine isn’t putting up with Mattis’ nonsense – IOTW Report

One retired Marine isn’t putting up with Mattis’ nonsense

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

Ret. Marine general James Mattis, who served as Trump’s defense secretary, resigned over a year ago but has apparently been nursing a grudge since then.  Last week, he took to the pages of the left-wing Atlantic magazine to air that grievance.

Mattis revealed a small mind.  His facts were wrong and his arguments foolish and simplistic.  The Democrat media, of course, celebrated the article despite its fundamental flaws.  Retired Marine captain John M. Dowd, however, decided that he wasn’t going to sit there and take that nonsense, so he struck back.  What he wrote is red meat for conservatives and Trump-supporters.

To understand what Mattis wrote for the Atlantic, you have to know that while he does love the Marines, he’s a leftist at heart.  He supports the global warming agenda, is hostile to Israel, shied away from fights with the mullahs, wanted so-called transgenders in the military, wouldn’t leave Afghanistan, and ultimately quit because he wanted to keep U.S. troops in Syria (reminder: the disaster leftists predicted for Trump’s pullout never materialized).

If you need more evidence that Mattis is a leftist politician, he hung out with limousine leftists: MORE

h/t Forcibly Rearranged.

38 Comments on One retired Marine isn’t putting up with Mattis’ nonsense

  1. Mattis is not to be dismissed lightly, he has a large following and lots of powerful support behind him.

    Never underestimate, it can be fatal if you do.

  2. God bless general Dowd. Certainly appears to be a white hat.
    Aaaannndddd, for all of you who are giving up on President Trump, keep in mind that he works tirelessly for us with the “tools” at his disposal. Where would anyone start replacing the thousands of leftist leftins of government? Even President Trump doesn’t have that many loyal associates! FFS! This shiite did not happen over night, and it will not be fixed over night.
    Pray, keep your powder dry, keep your family close. BE PATIENT!

  3. The officer ranks in all branches are filled to the gunnels with opportunistic political climbers. The Obama administration culled the officer ranks of patriots and those he missed he directed programs implemented to break the warrior spirits. Flynn was one and it’s clear the chimp in chief wanted his head.

  4. KCR

    Its what Jarheads called this killer for decades! Mad Dog.
    there have always been many liberal Jarheads Mueller is the worst by far; but not the 1st nor the last.

    A lib Jarhead with 4 stars on his flag was a CNN analyst for years. I ignored him until he wrote a book with a Ronny loving GWB bashing conservative – Tom Clancy.
    I read the book Tony learned the same things in Nam I did. Which many did not ; naming a name Colin P.!( I do not know what Gen Colin learned; but how to win a war is/was not on the list!) In the book (’05) Tony said GWB never intended to win the war and so we would not win! He listed some of the things done that were bad; as well as things not done had GWB honestly wanted to win!

    15 years later and we have not won! Tony Zinni was 100% right; even though he was a liberal! When liberal Tony said GWB lied the lib told the truth; GWB did lie!

  5. We have a pernicious Tokyo Rose on every thread lately — going by the ubiquitous “Anonymous.”

    The 2020 election is and always was more important than ’16. “Anonymous” is here to sow seeds of doubt about POTUS Trump and apathy towards voting.

    Anonymous thumbs up his own comments and he’s a schmuck.

  6. We live in a pure Thugocracy right now.

    The gov’t will act like a thug and send cops out to handcuff you for walking on a beach.
    Then, when a bigger group of thugs riots and loots and burns buildings down, the cops will kneel to the rioters.

    It is pure power play now. Whoever has the biggest fist wins.

    Plan you life accordingly.

  7. All retired military have the right to pick their politics.
    However, choosing to side with the socialist Constitution haters tells us all we need to know about their immoral faithlessness to their oath to protect and defend it.

  8. Well I’m yet another pernicious Anon, and I can tell you my opinion is just as damn valid as if I was a Tony, Doug, Snerdly or any other made up name.

  9. @flip (at 9:54 am): Back in de nineteen sebenties there appeared a fortified wine that challenged MD 20/20 for supremacy in the ghetto wine category. It was called Red Rooster 21 (21% alcohol vs. 20%) and it was also known as the “Kickin’ Chicken”. I don’t know if they still make it today.

  10. Mogen/David 2020. You take a shot of it, and it takes a shot at you. Always look at the box to make sure the wine is a vintage hour. Drink with rare White Castles, but pair the Granddad Flash’s Popskull Bourbon with the chicken rings.

    Has a purple nose and a slightly vaginal bouquet with a mouldy fruit finish…

  11. A year or so ago, when MD 2020 (Hilarious) first started showing his Libtard Deep state tendencies I was concerned how all the Grunts, that use to affectionately refer to him as“Knife Hands”, would react. They didn’t fall for his shit a bit. Dropped him like a hot rock.
    American Partisan has a great artistic on Mattis the traitor.

  12. I understand General John Kelly has now joined in with Mattis in the attack on Trump.

    If Trump loses control of the Military and their loyalty to him the United States is in big trouble, it won’t just affect Trump and the Republicans.

    FWIW, both Bush and Romney refusing to support Trump’s reelection may be a sign of things to come. Bush was very popular with the military and had their complete support, and Romney -IMO- represents the thinking of a large number of the Republican leadership.

    Interesting times we live in.

  13. “So what’s your analysis of it?”

    Guys like Rob O”Neill carry a lot more weight in the military community than the total sum of Generals. O’Neil and the rest of the Spec Opps community love Trump. And are very vocal about it. This move by these traitors is pretty transparent really. Join Instagram. That’s the media these guys use.

  14. Rick –
    Oh it wasn’t me. lol. I’m not a fan of Javanka. Especially Ja.
    I don’t think they’re like dumb as dirt ‘chelsea clintons’ but I wish Trump would tell them to drift.

  15. The fact that Trump is surrounded by so many back stabbers makes him depend more on his inlaw lefty son-in-law than he should.
    Don Jr should do more to keep between them.

  16. Rick, I’m with you and MJA on I$J. I can’t watch them, listen to them or read anything they say. I, also, wish President Trump would dump the nepotisim where they are concerned.

  17. My personal opinion is not that great about Ivanka and her husband or Kellyanne Conway. Not a new opinion, one I’ve had since the first campaign, even longer for Kellyanne.
    I think Ivanka loves her Dad and I think he loves her, but I also think she’s way to the left of her brothers and her Dad and think her husband is even farther to the left. So I don’t think she would stab her Dad in the back, but I also believe she uses his love and trust in her to manipulate him, to try and frame his policies to fit her views and believe her husband is responsible for all of the bad picks in the administration.
    Kellyanne in my opinion has always and will always be from the neo-con branch of Republicans.

    I wish Dad would tell her it’s time for her and her husband to get back to their life and leave D.C.

    As for the military, I know many current and former military who never sang the praises of Kelly and Mattis, when non-military thought they were the cat’s meow. Bush as well is not as well loved by the rank and file military as people portray him to be. They were respectful to him when he made his visits, but privately Bush was hated, not as much as Obama, but every single one I know who served and fought during his administration say he tied one hand behind their back and gave the terrorists more rights than them and that Obama tied both hands behind their back and rooted for soldiers demise while rooting for the terrorists to win.


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