Cancel culture is worse than ever – IOTW Report

Cancel culture is worse than ever


There are pros and cons to the social media age. One negative aspect is the tendency of certain users to form online mobs and demand someone be canceled for “wrongthink.” That this happens at all is a problem. Unfortunately, it seems to occur with more frequency as our political and cultural division sits at an all-time high.

Diversity in all forms is one of our strengths. Too often, this is only assumed to be the racial diversity of its citizens. In reality, intellectual diversity is just as important. Our homogeneity is belonging to a country we love that affords us the numerous freedoms we enjoy. It has nothing to do with thinking or believing as our neighbors do. When that is expected, problems arise.

The online landscape is the perfect setting for cancel culture to take root. A vast array of users, many looking for a verbal fight, will hone in on someone who may have shared a controversial or even offensive take. Instead of disagreeing and moving on, the mob may seek to push them off a platform or worse. In some cases, these “thought police” will venture out into the real world and attempt to ruin people’s lives and even their employment, simply because another person doesn’t align with them. This type of behavior should never exist in a free society where almost everyone doles out their opinions.

A recent example is that of New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees. During a Wednesday interview with Yahoo Finance, he was asked about NFL players who kneel during the national anthem. He replied, “I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country” and mentioned the importance of unity while finding solutions to our nation’s problems. more

8 Comments on Cancel culture is worse than ever

  1. It’s worse than that; not only was Drew Brees shamed into apologizing TWICE (with prominent black sports celebs slapping him in the face, saying it’s not enough and he should just retire now), but he even got his wife to go on twitter with her own apology, trumpeting the same lame nonsense that all white people are the problem, what an idiot.

    Like the dumb ass idea of reparations, if only they would “reparate”, but they won’t, white America will still be on the hook and black America will still cry “racism” and demand more.

    It used to be conventional wisdom, at least for those of my generation, that once these little snowflakes leave their cozy safe confines of academia, sans the enabling professors that ran interference for them, once they get into the real world and enter the workplace, they will adapt and toughen up. Of course, we never envisioned them taking their woke counter culture, free speech is violence, fragile self-esteem with them, hence we have the out of control Hitler kids running the NY Times, Twitter, Google, and Facebook.

  2. How is this news? My website, THAT I PAID GOOD MONEY FOR, twitter, facebook and whatever else all got yanked from me for wrong think during the obama administration.

    True, I did punk the entire state of Wisconsin so it all sort of evens out…but damn, I had a lot of artcrap online. Some of it was pretty good.

    Good thing the internet is forever or all that stuff would have been lost.

    Do….do I need the sarcasm emoji?

  3. I have no idea how any of the so called social media work.
    I’ve never signed up for any of that garbage.
    I’ve also never purchased a lottery ticket.

  4. The left is creating a lot of Travis Bickles with their antics. Mark my words: This shit is not going to end well.

    The prog’s predatory behavior will affect people with serious underlying issues and when these people start acting out the blithering idiots who provoked a violent response are going to try and fob off the blame on someone else.


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