Why we are being besieged by emails from businesses and organizations bragging about their support for Black Lives Matter/Antifa – IOTW Report

Why we are being besieged by emails from businesses and organizations bragging about their support for Black Lives Matter/Antifa


American Thinker:
By Patricia McCarthy

Who among us cannot open their email without seeing numerous messages from any company from which we’ve ever purchased something?  Every restaurant that has our email, every museum we’ve ever visited seems to be announcing their unbridled support for Black Lives Matter, as if this will cement our further patronage.  

Why have we not received a single email from any corporation or institution vowing their support for the thousands of victims of the groups’ wanton devastation of many hundreds of small businesses who have had their livelihoods destroyed?  Are these self-flagellating business people doing this out of sincere concern for George Floyd’s gruesome death at the hands of one bad cop or are they doing it out of fear for themselves and their enterprises if they don’t get on their knees and confess their undeserved  privilege?  

One can be sure it is the latter.  What is so disappointing is their cowardice in the face of outright thuggery.  What nonsense.  Black Lives Matter, as Tucker Carlson so aptly pointed out, is a cult, a new religion for those who virtue-signal because they crave to be seen as woke.  It’s all pathetic, a sad commentary on the lack of moral and intellectual stamina of far too many Americans.  

It is one thing to see obviously brainwashed young people fall for every lie academia and the media spew.  It is quite another for people who remember the 1960s and all the stupid riots that have occurred in the intervening years to fall for this elite-orchestrated race manipulation of the mindless indoctrinated masses.  Do the rioters who defaced the statue of Gandhi know who he was? Doubtful.   MORE

32 Comments on Why we are being besieged by emails from businesses and organizations bragging about their support for Black Lives Matter/Antifa

  1. I’ve gotten a lot of these. And am particularly struck by the fact that they seem to have used the same template: same wording, same phrasing, sometimes even the same paragraph breaks. Do they sign up for this?

    “HURRY, HURRY, HURRY! Step right up and get your Black Lives Matter self-demeaning letter! Can’t continue marketing without it!”

    (I assume that, sooner or later—likely sooner—they won’t be ALLOWED to continue marketing without it.)

  2. These companies are the same people who, a couple of weeks ago, would ask you to leave the store if you didn’t have a mask on.

    And now they’re all down with rioters looting their own stores.

    Mostly because the executives are libtards and it’s the shareholders money they are playing with.

  3. Dinesh D’Souza explained the phenomenon the German citizenry and especially German businesses displaying the Nazi flag in such unusual numbers, especially post-Kristallnacht. In the strangest irony, they were “painting their doors with blood”, as the Jews did in their day, so that the curse might pass over their households.

    This has been going on, on the Left, for a very long time. I’ve always found it rather puzzling, but it makes perfect sense that those on the Left or who sympathize and support Leftist ideology would know better than anyone the length and depth of their craven behavior. So they display their flags and their bumper stickers and their yard signs in an attempt to signal their hope they will be spared from mischief, vandalism, theft and destruction.

    I see the stupid signs and flags of “solidarity” all over the lawns in Seattle neighborhoods: “Hate doesn’t live here”, “Black Lives Matter”, the rainbow flag, etc.

    A common sense conservative sees these signs and wonders why anyone — a private citizen or company — feels the need to publicize something that should be a private matter of personal conviction. But it’s not an editorial aimed at law-abiding conservatives; it’s desired target is appeasement of those whom everyone knows will blindly destroy and injure with impunity. Democrats, liberals, progressives, Democrat Socialists, The Left — call them by any name — have a tiger by the tail and can’t afford to let go.

  4. I have always enjoy cooking – thanks mom! While the Food Networks devolved into cheaply produced game shows, blogs and YouTube channels became my source for learning new food cultures and menus. Some of these blogs have turned into very successful businesses with sidelines in cookbooks, online shops for cooking equipment, and affiliate links to Amazon. It becomes an easy habit to delete their daily emails if the subject isn’t attention grabbing. Occasionally they will send something interesting and their writing, photos, and teaching style really have become professional.

    I have a quick reaction to these “We support BLM” and “We contributed to these social justice organizations” messages – scan to the bottom, click unsubscribe, and they have lost a reader and potential customer. Mix politics with your business and you will immediately offend a large percentage of your clients.

  5. I call it throwing up the crucifix of immunity. Hollywierd’s been doing this for decades to take the heat off of their lavish life-styles. We support YOU! We’re just like YOU!
    (just stay away)
    So just like buying enough Carbon Credits gives you the privilege to pollute, now they’re buying Charcoal Credits!!
    Flash that Crucifix baaybee!

    Oh and don’t fergit that trite phrase of the day:
    “We all in this together”
    Grab a bucket!!

  6. It’s simply an act of submission – in the forlorn hope that the crocodile eats them last.

    Fairly typical behavior for cowards, lickspittles, and corporations.

    The job is to protect the investment of their principals – and a lot of insurances don’t pay off for destruction during insurrection.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. For the last few months every email had a message in it about their response to the ‘Rona. New problems require a new message. My insurance company and both banks are still running headers on their sites about their response to Covid-19. I’m surprised Bank of America doesn’t have a message about BLM though.

  8. TRF. Oh and don’t fergit that trite phrase of the day:
    “in this together”

    Until we’re not. Count me out.
    Unsubscribe. Delete. Delete. Delete.

  9. Seems to me that if White Supremacy in America was as prevalent as these folks claim, wouldn’t these emails be useful in compiling a list of targets?

  10. “Your silence is a knee on my neck”

    “Silence is pro-racist”

    “Silence is complicity”

    Why, indeed.

    And don’t think the angry black woman has not noticed that you’re still posting pictures of flowers and puppies on social media while peaceful protestors fall to the truncheon. Declare your fealty before it’s too late.

  11. I haven’t gotten e-mails, but I was listening to the radio the other day and heard two different ads, one by Coca-Cola, the other a local news station, about standing behind these brave and oppressed protesters during these troubling times. It was almost the same exact repeated commercials from all these businesses and news station about Covid-19, with only changing Covid-19 to brave and oppressed protesters.
    Apparently some focus group told them they were successful in brainwashing people.

  12. Turn it right back on them. This March the kids’ school sent out an obligatory bullshit “we are all in this together” email. I sent the District Superintendent back one with the subject line just Saying We Are All In This Together. here it is:

    What totally vapid and empty souls the Tacoma School District is run by.

    You send students home with instruction to hector their parents to put into practice lawn and landscape strategies that rely on less use of herbicides and then you turn right around and have acres of school properties, many of which the very same schools sit on, propagate noxious weeds that are left to go to seed and thereby infest the community for blocks around with dandelion and other noxious weeds.

    No other property owner impacts neighborhoods to the tune on hundreds of millions os seeds from noxious weeds and it is YOU ALONE who make it all but impossible to control noxious weed infestations without the use of two four D or other targeted herbicides.

    What hypocritical people you are and what terrible neighbors you make.

    As I drive through Tacoma what stands out is the fact that only the District and total trailer trash low bread losers allow noxious weeds to propagate in neighborhoods.

    You could spray your properties once or twice and be done with the problem, but you are such hypocrites that you cannot recognize that IS the District that makes it all but impossible for residential property owners to put into practice WHAT YOU PREACH.

    It is the District that makes it impossible to keep up with the very same noxious weeds they hector us to pull by hand instead of spraying.

    With all due respect… none


    Within a week they were finally taking care of their property across the street.

  13. I find it interesting that many of these companies have a banner on their websites with this trite cult name, and despite showing their solidarity, the riots still tear down and burn their buildings.


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