Co-Founder of Blexit/Former Police Officer Exposes The Reality of Race and Policing – IOTW Report

Co-Founder of Blexit/Former Police Officer Exposes The Reality of Race and Policing

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Brandon Tatum (Co-Founder of Blexit & former police officer) about how he went from being arrested at 8 to becoming a police officer, the importance of parenting, why he thinks the impression people have of policing and race is based on lies.

He also clears up the reality of what it’s really like for black cops on the police department. He also expresses his concerns about the crisis in policing, the decline of proactive policing and the lowering of standards to join law enforcement.

He also talks about why he is a black conservative, how he think there are far more black conservatives than people realize, why he co-founded Blexit, his role models of black business and entrepreneurship, as well as why he thinks reparations for slavery will not help the black community. WATCH

12 Comments on Co-Founder of Blexit/Former Police Officer Exposes The Reality of Race and Policing

  1. The Left has been unbearable four straight years.
    They’re ALWAYS annoying.
    But for three years they’ve interfered with Mr. Trump’s good governance.
    And now this year they are directly interfering with all our lives.
    How do we get rid of them?

  2. Officer Tatum’s videos on Y-tube are very good.
    I watch him all the time. The left has very little that they can say about him except to resort to calling him an ‘uncle Tom’ out of frustration.

  3. from daniel greenfield current article at

    “A Monmouth University poll however shows that 72% of African-Americans are satisfied with their local police departments. Despite what you’re seeing on television, 21% of African-Americans are very satisfied with the local police and another 51% are satisfied.
    Only 5% are very dissatisfied.
    Why is the country burning and why are so many politicians, corporations, and organizations falling into line to sate the outrage of that 5%? ”


    See? What the media and democrats are doing is so much worse than we even knew.

  4. @Healthy, law abiding white young man
    JUNE 9, 2020 AT 4:21 AM
    “Gonna ask my mom if that offer to slap me into next year is still on the table.”

    Haha. Good one. Your mom must have had a strong right arm; my mom only said she would “slap me Into the middle of next week”.


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