Senate Republicans have a large number of witnesses they want to interrogate in the discredited Russia probe – IOTW Report

Senate Republicans have a large number of witnesses they want to interrogate in the discredited Russia probe

In the crosshairs: 33 Russia collusion probe witnesses who could be subpoenaed in the Senate.
Here’s the list.
Here’s the story.


  1. To the following listed persons, for the production of records and for testimony at a
    hearing or deposition related to any of the aforementioned topics described in items 1 to 3

    i. James A. Baker
    ii. John Brennan
    iii. Sidney Blumenthal
    iv. James Clapper
    v. Kevin Clinesmith
    vi. James Comey
    vii. Patrick Conlon
    viii. Kelly Degnan
    ix. Michael Dempsey
    x. Mary Gleason
    xi. Seth Greenfeld
    xii. Kathleen Kavalec
    xiii. Jacob Lew
    xiv. Denis McDonough
    xv. Arthur “Danny” McGlynn
    xvi. Sally Moyer
    xvii. Michael Neufield
    xviii. Victoria Nuland
    xix. Stephanie L. O’Sullivan
    xx. Lisa Page
    xxi. John R. Phillips
    xxii. Joe Pientka
    xxiii. Samantha Power
    xxiv. E.W. “Bill” Priestap
    xxv. Sarah Raskin
    xxvi. Susan Rice
    xxvii. Cody Shearer
    xxviii. Nathan Sheets
    xxix. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall
    xxx. Erik Simmons
    xxxi. Peter Strzok
    xxxii. Adam Szubin
    xxxiii. Jonathan Winer

22 Comments on Senate Republicans have a large number of witnesses they want to interrogate in the discredited Russia probe

  1. ‘Senate Republicans have a … ‘ big list!

    …. big deal ………………………… yawn

    if only their balls were as big as their list …

  2. Sorry folks – this is too little, too late.

    It just won’t stick in the minds the rioter/protester/democrat/useful idiot class. If they did this last year, perhaps.

    Same with AG Barr’s bullshit: he waited too long. He could indict obama, and it’ll be received with a yawn.

    NEVER trust anyone coming in from the GOP class.

  3. These hearings will continue until the year 2525. No Justice for anybody. The Deep State will see to that. Ring around the Mullberry Bush will be the order of the day, Bill Barr will become one with his chair,.

  4. I don’t see what the roadblock is here.
    Wray’s superior calls him in for a meeting in 2 hours.
    Say “bring a lawyer”
    If he runs arrest him.
    If he brings a lawyer ask him a few questions including:
    Who did you talk to about the coup?
    When he pleads the 5th, arrest him for conspiracy to interfere with a Federal Election.
    Raid his lawyer’s office ala Cohn and throw them all in jail.
    Set bail at 1.5 million
    The Feds in NY set all the legal precedent.

  5. Barr said May. It’s almost mid June.

    Now THE LIST. Super keeno. They just had Rosenstein and let him get away with the hummahumma. Looks like they’re looking to keep this “investigation” going past Nov.


  6. I’m glad that R. Grenell finally released so many of these documents that allowed the investigations to pick up steam but is it too late?
    I don’t understand why Trump didn’t do this 2 years ago when it could have changed the momentum and had the traitor’s backs against the wall.
    I find it very troubling, can anyone suggest a valid reason for the delay?
    I don’t buy the “interference with investigations” argument and I fail to see how that information being made public would impede prosecutions.

  7. why isn’t valerie jarrett, the iranian anchor baby, on that list? she was hussein’s chief advisor.
    oh, that’s right- she probably didn’t know anything about it, and we should forget about her.

  8. Yawn.

    There will be no justice until the people, independent of ‘government,’ mete it out to those who are guilty.

    Tip-of-the-day: Buy hemp futures; regardless who prevails, rope will be in demand. Win-win.

  9. come and take it


    They really do not intend to grill any of GWB’s men: Brennan, Clapper, Comey, mueller,

    As i said 10 years ago about the leftist GWB man Trey.

    He will have GwB’s girl Lerner in Jail the day after he “prep walks” GWB!

    I was right!~

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