Chicago: Mayor Lori Lightfoot Asks Looted Businesses Not to Abandon The City – IOTW Report

Chicago: Mayor Lori Lightfoot Asks Looted Businesses Not to Abandon The City

The balls on that dude.

Conservative Treehouse:

This is one of those transparently predictable outcomes from allowing “space to destroy” via chaos, riots, looting and arson happening without law enforcement empowered to stop it. Few of the looted and destroyed businesses in Baltimore ever reopened, creating a worse situation for those who now have to travel to find a grocery store or pharmacy.

The same Chicago mayor who blocked police and law enforcement from curtailing the chaos, is now pleading with the looted businesses not to leave the city. Madness…. ideological madness.

41 Comments on Chicago: Mayor Lori Lightfoot Asks Looted Businesses Not to Abandon The City

  1. Correction needed. Lori Lightfoot henceforth known as Groot. Bitch uglier than a dead tree. Note name from a great blog SecondCityCop. It is an underground place for Chicago Cops to he it.

  2. Well. Bye bitch.

    You failed in your first responsibility, to keep the peace.
    Chinese Wuhan Red Death shut down nearly wiped businesses out. Arsonists and looters finished the job.

    Rebuild? Not in Chicago. Or Minneapolis The list is long.

  3. If I hadn’t seen Eleanor having BBQ tonight with Amelia Earhart, I would swear that Lightfoot hag is a sunburned reincarnation of Babs.
    Scary as Hell.
    Well, almost. 👿

  4. She needs to quit the mayor’s office and get a job working for one of the looted & burned-out companies in “her town.” Maybe then she could advise politicians in Chicago about the importance of protecting private property from racist barbarians.

    I’m sorry, what was I thinking. Once a Leftist, always a Leftist.

  5. The Big Boxes will stay. They will be given new tax breaks in exchange for hiring quotas and minimum wage guarantees. The small firms, mom and pops will leave If they can find someplace that has not defunded their PD. That will be increasingly difficult to find.

  6. “Whaaat? You’re leaving the city? Wait a minute, the cause is noble, the objective is for the good of the ruling class, no wait, I mean the country. How could this be? It wasn’t supposed to work out this way.”

    Aaaahhemm…it’s called unintended consequences. The libtard dems have perfected this cause and effect situation. And who knows, maybe it’s not unintended.

  7. I’m a bit surprised the critter isn’t doing a Hitler
    in the bunker thing and screaming orders at the “traitorous
    cowards” who are smart enough to dump their proggy uniforms and start running away.

  8. The biggest common feature of the lefties I know is having no understanding of human nature and natural consequences.

    A. If I write a law that is horrible or enslaves the voter – THEY MUST OBEY IT. Like everyone is a computer program or something without a choice to avoid it.

    B. If all guns disappear with a snap of a finger – they expect perfect peace. Except, if that could happen, they just made “might-is-right” the rule where weaker people will be subject to the whims of physically stronger ones.

    C. True story – My ex GF kills a co-worker and her libtarded daughter expected to keep collecting her Mom’s salary. She really had to be told people lose their jobs and any salaries when they kill co-workers.

    That same girl put her fingers in her ears and lalalalala’ed every time she couldn’t take hearing something that destroyed her crazy beliefs.

  9. George Jefferson in drag spent the prior weekend roping off streets to keep people from going to church and the following week handing out gas and matches to rioters.

    Fuck Chicago and anyone who chooses to live there. It takes pride in its thorough corruption.


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