The Floyd Finale – The Biden/Clyburn Push To Capitalize on Last Floyd Funeral – IOTW Report

The Floyd Finale – The Biden/Clyburn Push To Capitalize on Last Floyd Funeral

CTH: If you’ve been following the week-long, highly political, three state grievance tour consisting of five funerals and viewings timed and located to maximize a 2020 political narrative; today is the culmination of the effort. However, you might also notice a big difference between how the media announced the program to the final day events.

The media previously claimed funeral number four for George Floyd in Houston, Texas, would be a small private gathering of family and close friends and that’s why Joe Biden would not be present to give his remarks in person. As the Biden/Clyburn campaign explained to Reuters: “He is not expected to attend the service to avoid any disruption to mourners that could be caused by his Secret Service protective detail.”

That Biden/Clyburn claim was always transparently silly. As you can see today from the funeral dozens of congresspersons, senators, state and national officials were included in a large made-for-television, live-broadcast, event that was not the least bit “private”, “small” or reserved for close family and friends. Instead it was what we expected it would be; a Joe Biden political rally exploiting the death of George Floyd.

That said, there is also clarity of purpose behind the video that Biden recorded; and, as we expected, the video was carefully constructed for the candidate to read from a teleprompter, edited with sound enhancements and under careful control. It is likely James Clyburn was more concerned with Biden screwing up a live speech, thus the recording was needed.

The carefully constructed video message sets the stage for the media to hype and play the soundbites. Like all other aspects to the orchestrated plan, this recording was by design. Immediately the media jumped into action to use the recorded message to push the agenda of the Biden/Clyburn campaign. more here

24 Comments on The Floyd Finale – The Biden/Clyburn Push To Capitalize on Last Floyd Funeral

  1. I commented the other day about the elaborate funeral this clown has gotten and that MLK must feel cheated.
    I asked during one of them will they be pulling Floyd on a cart by mule too? Well guess what they did in Houston.
    And to think, I was being sarcastic.

  2. How do we know whether or not Joey is even still alive? The way his “handlers” “keepers” are operating, he could be replaced (or already have been replaced) by a masked body double and deep fake video.

  3. Better yet, for complete racial healing Colin Kaepernick has to be the starting quarterback on every NFL team! They can schedule two games everyday until the completion of the season with enough time scheduled between games to jet Kaepernick to each venue! This should not be negotiable! The NFL needs to do this or the owners, stockholders and fans are racist pigs right down to the bottoms of their clubhouses, mansions, wealth and unearned privilege!

  4. “If you’ve been following the week-long, highly political, three state grievance tour….”

    No one has. What kind of jag off sits in front of the damn TV all day watching the same 20 minute news cycle over and over?


    Now I know what drove the Lord Buddah to take up drinking Scotch whiskey all day long.

  5. I hope no one tries to steal that gold coffin for a couple of weeks.

    I rate this higher on the overblown scale than Robert Mugabe’s State Funeral, but lower than Nelson Mandela’s send off. As far as celebratory rioting and looting, nothing compares to Martin L. King’s in 1968, when 121 cities were torched.

  6. Remember the huge McCain funeral where everyone bagged on Trump – yeah no one else does either. This is not determining the election or even a factor. Big yawn!!!

  7. Joe Biden is looking for something to push him over the finish line…..and he picks a coffin…..HAHAHAHJAHA…..JAHAJAHAJAHA is for yous spanish speakers…..

  8. The Democrat Party have dragged George Floyd’s body all over the country, desecrating his corpse for political reasons. A new low. Just wait. They’ll be lining up to perform necrophilia before he’s six feet under. They figuratively are. Just go the extra step you sick evil bastards. You know you want to.

  9. Does this “final” memorial service in Houston for a career criminal mean that the Barnum and Floyd traveling circus is finally disbanding? Wonder where all the Barnum and Floyd Circus clowns like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Biden, Jamie Foxx will pop up next?

    Biden was specifically asked not to attend in person because of the overwhelming odor of feces emanating from his overloaded Depends. The dude is plagued by a very loose set of old man bowels.

    The Floyd family are without shame, dignity, or honor and as expected lookin’ to git some dat blood money from de man!

    They don’t dare cremate Floyd, fearing that his drug saturated body will explode into a fireball.

    Saint Floyd will now join the other Saints of the Church of the Perpetual Racial Violence Victims, like Saint Ashtray Martin, and Saint Michael the Gentle Giant Smith of Ferguson.

  10. Word on the street is that Biden’s appearance at the funeral was canceled because he kept referring to George as Cornpop and said he couldn’t wait to see those Ghana pallbearers.


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