Nadler vs. The Mask – IOTW Report

Nadler vs. The Mask

This person has power over you.

h/t Cakes.

22 Comments on Nadler vs. The Mask

  1. We need to begin forming units that will surround large cities and keep the vermin in them. When these cities collapse, they’ll start scurrying like rats to small towns.
    We cannot let that happen.

  2. Remember in the Green Berets, when that Enemy General guy gets yanked up by that balloon/plane combination? I would pay decent money to see that happen to Nadler

  3. Laughing, but no comment about his dashiki or swahili boa or whatever that colored-cloth blackness badge is supposed to be ???

    The artists here need to ‘shop that pic of all the democrat clowns today — adding the big shoes and the flower that squirts water

  4. Hey fur: How about that pattern on a roll of TP seen through the half open stall door of the Democrat washroom? That is a cartoon that would have the progtards so pissed off they wouldn’t be able to drive a ten penny nail up their sphincter with a ten pound hammer

  5. I will shoot that fat fuck in the face & leave him in the fucking gutter like a dog. We’re getting ready to go hot I believe. I’m old & broken but god damn we have to do something before it’s too late.

  6. I agree with @Crackerbaby – no, he does not have any power over me. He might be in the Senate / government and be able to write laws, but the only one who has power over me is God, and my parents, and maybe the voices in my head.
    All of those are better able to put on a mask.


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