Protests Confirm Kavanaugh’s Dissent: Church Restrictions Were Arbitrary All Along – IOTW Report

Protests Confirm Kavanaugh’s Dissent: Church Restrictions Were Arbitrary All Along

Contrary to the Supreme Court’s recent 5-4 opinion that cut against religious liberty, it now looks like church health guidelines were subjective.

Federalist: Some justices on the Supreme Court apparently did not get the memo: Contrary to their recent, controversial 5-4 opinion regarding South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom, which ruled in favor of state-mandated COVID-19 restrictions that didn’t allow churches to open to the same capacity as businesses, it now looks like the state’s guidelines were arbitrary. Given the massive protests around the country, it would appear religious communities can gather if they do so for a politically correct purpose, such as a George Floyd memorial, like these Jewish children did recently.


These clever Hasidic kids decided to turn their carnival into a “Justice for George Floyd” rally and now the NYPD cannot break it up.

Tonight’s Justice for George Floyd Shabbat Services are sure to be interesting as well.

That the five justices who ruled against the church reopening would use the exact same logic that has now been flipped around and utilized to excuse massive and often lawless protests is unfortunate. In fact, it proves Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s dissent — he would have granted the church’s request to stop the state from enforcing the inequitable mandate — underscoring the importance of the First Amendment’s authority over state’s rights.
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11 Comments on Protests Confirm Kavanaugh’s Dissent: Church Restrictions Were Arbitrary All Along

  1. Everything the liberals do and say is a lie and a scam.

    They should be ignored and/or laughed at.

    Debating with them makes you complicit. It’s like you’re saying they have an argument. They don’t.

  2. It’s very important to the Left to prevent Christians from practicing their religion.

    Like it is in China.

    They can only worship when, where, with whom, and how the State says they can.

  3. Leftists in government want us to look at them as our god. They want us to look to them to provide for us. To keep us safe. To protect us. To be the one we look to when we have any sort of need. They want to be the ones who give and take away rights instead of knowing our rights come from God.
    Liberalism is a religion and their god is the Borg Queen.

  4. There is no better reason to vote Republican than their general support* for logical judges that tend to support the individual over the institution.
    * They do have the occasional clunker like Roberts or Souter

  5. More than just these church offenses, imagine your spouse, parent, child or best friend being forced to die in isolation without being able to visit them, say goodbye or hold a funeral.

    Then watch the George Floyd, non-socail distancing travelling funeral circus go on for less than a week after that.

    There is no device that has been conceived to measure my fury.


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