Woodson: ‘Institutional Racism’ is a ‘Ruse,’ a ‘Lie’ to ‘Deflect’ Attention – IOTW Report

Woodson: ‘Institutional Racism’ is a ‘Ruse,’ a ‘Lie’ to ‘Deflect’ Attention

CNS- During an interview with conservative Mark Levin, Robert L. Woodson Sr., president and founder of the Woodson Center, said that what is happening today is a “perversion of the civil rights movement,” and that claims of “institutional racism” are a “ruse,” a “lie” to deflect attention from certain black leaders who have failed to help their communities because they pushed policies that do not work. 

Woodson, whose organization works directly with people and groups in neighborhoods nationwide, also denounced the idea that the “legacy of slavery and discrimination” is responsible for problems in some black communities, such as unemployment, crime, and out-of-wedlock births. “That’s another lie,” he said. more

15 Comments on Woodson: ‘Institutional Racism’ is a ‘Ruse,’ a ‘Lie’ to ‘Deflect’ Attention

  1. Systemic racism by whites is just a bullshit narrative to deflect attention from the real systemic problem. Black violent crime.

    And i aint interested in having any national conversations until we talk about the real systemic problem.

  2. It’s a ruse in that it’s a Marxist tactic to justify destroying the whole thing, starting with the enforcement arm of the rule of law (cops) and destroying our past by toppling statues.
    This is communism here in America.

  3. There are LAWS that strictly PROHIBIT racism.
    Also, there are woke racism Nazis ready to pounce on any instances of overt racism.

  4. Booker T Washington said: “I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.”

    In addition to that, there is a certain class of degreed dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker Liberal-Progressive Knee-Pad-Wearing Moron wandering around in the haze of a Politically Correct smoke-screen who aren’t aware enough or educated enough to discern whut century it is!

  5. How come we are infested with Diversity Officers, but teh raycism just gets worse? Maybe it’s like Covid testing: the more testing you do, the higher the infection rate appears to be.

    Or maybe it’s just a bunch of scammers trying to justify their useless jobs. I lean toward the second possibility.

  6. The concept of institutional racism is nebulous by design. It is a plastic and flexible Concept that is a tool of the progressive movement to be used indiscriminately to advance their agenda and nothing else. It has nothing whatsoever to do with advancing true social justice. Social justice, as defined by them likewise.

  7. Thirdtwin & JDHasty – more proof that if the construct of “racism” in this country vaporized off the face of the planet today, there would be one helluva lot of people out of a job tomorrow!!

  8. I should be an editor for the various dictionaries. Racism is only racism when whites do something certain people of other races don’t like.
    I will admit, I am stereotyping. Most people I work with and meet do not fit into this definition. Go figure.

  9. Trump is popular and Trump is effective because he DIES NOT instantly and instinctively concede good intentions to followers of a movement he’ll bent on advancing a demonstrably wicked and evil political philosophy. Communism.

    The progressive movement NEVER will concede good intentions to perhaps whose worldview that when implemented has demonstrably Improved the lives of more people than any other.

    The second anyone concedes good intentions to the progressive movement they have lost. The progressive movement knows this and they exploit that dynamic to get their way.

    Observe and learn. Never concede good intentions to the progressives. It is a trap.

  10. Social justice is not true justice, it is only “so called justice” for victims of a protected class determined by the ruling authorities. In other words it is unequal justice for some and not for all, no one else need apply. True justice is equal justice for all regardless of the circumstances. And the rule of law applies to everybody not just to those who make the rules.

  11. I’m sick and tired of these MAGA rich black professional athletes pissing and moaning about how “oppressed” they are, pretending there hasn’t been any progress made regarding race relations in this country. REPUBLICANS FOUNDED THEIR PARTY ON ANTI-SLAVERY AND WENT TO CIVIL WAR AGAINST DEMOCRATS ON YOUR BEHALF YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAINWASHED BITCHES! NO FRICKEN WAY they suffered like blacks did under democrat plantation control. And who are these racist boogeymen that keep putting them down and then they go on Instagram and start crying like little bitches about it? Go kick their ass if you’re so tough. These unspecified blanket statements that racism is everywhere cheapens true racism. REEDICKYOUARE!

  12. To Jerry Manderin’s point, just once I would like to hear a “Thank You” from the Black community for over half of century of trying with Civil Rights laws, Equal Opportunity laws, affirmative action for schooling, welfare and programs layered on top of programs to the tune of Trillions, Black politicians at all levels including President, none of which would have happened without the overwhelming support of the White population! We get NO credit at all.
    None, Zero ,Zip… except to be labeled as “Racists”!

  13. Right on TRF. Imagine if Colon Craponadick did that. A lightbulb bright as the Sun would go off for millions of blacks with that mindset and the Democrat Party exodus would be Biblical. But Nancy and Co. can’t have that! Hence the race card. And every black person in leftist thought chains needs to be reminded that it was the DEMOCRATS who fought against them every step of the way!

    I keep itching for PRESIDENT Trump to tweet about Al Shartaton’s back taxes. Put the spotlight on THAT.

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