Small Business Owners ‘Deeply Troubled’ by Iowa Dem’s Eviction Record – IOTW Report

Small Business Owners ‘Deeply Troubled’ by Iowa Dem’s Eviction Record

WFB: Iowa small business owners are expressing concern over Senate nominee Theresa Greenfield’s eviction of small businesses when the Democrat worked as a real estate executive.

In a letter sent Monday, nearly a dozen entrepreneurs said Iowans “deserve answers” on Greenfield’s decision to displace local tenants of a Des Moines shopping center in favor of a multinational corporation.

“As small business owners, and as Iowans, we are deeply troubled by your record as president of the Des Moines real estate firm Colby Interests of evicting small businesses here in our state to make room for a multinational corporation,” the letter states. “This is particularly concerning given your repeated claims as a candidate for U.S. Senate to be a friend of small businesses.”

While Greenfield has cast herself as a champion of small business, the former real estate executive evicted mom-and-pop stores from a local shopping center to make way for a multinational corporation in 2015.

Greenfield’s project called for the partial demolition of a Des Moines shopping center to make way for German grocer Aldi, which would have become the fourth big-box retailer within less than one mile. Eviction notices signed by Greenfield “blindsided” local tenants, who were given 60 days to vacate before their forced displacement. The development proposal was scrapped by the Windsor Heights city council following pushback from local residents, but Greenfield moved forward with a renovation project that she acknowledged would increase rents and may “not fit into” existing tenants’ budgets. more

8 Comments on Small Business Owners ‘Deeply Troubled’ by Iowa Dem’s Eviction Record

  1. “This is particularly concerning given your repeated claims as a candidate for U.S. Senate to be a friend of small businesses.”

    Chambers of Commerce and Property Managements

    Check the Records

    Bankings of Americans


    2 weeks later and THEY still haven’t had TIME to look at the the $20 bill or any reporting on why or WHAT chauvin was called for that started this whole thing. The PC Minn Chief brushed that under the rug real fast. Didn’t he.

    What is UP with THAT?


  2. @ capt. Leroy JUNE 10, 2020 AT 12:10 PM

    Establishment Republicans are far worse for saying one thing to your face and then doing the exact opposite.

    Watch this short clip Democrats Are Playing You For A Political Chump and listen to the message and you will recognize that it applies in spades to how establishment Republicans treat and have treated the Republican base.

    Consider how Paul Ryan actively worked in the shadows to sabotage President Trump and damage the agenda that Republican voters overwhelmingly supported and then tell me how establishment Republicans are not far worse.

  3. These same RICH ELITE (DRs) that took every penny cent nickle dime quarter and dollar advantage of every multi bailout bill funded by taxpayers and THEY still want their rent too.

    Read my fingers

  4. The commercial real estate market is a tremendous scam. It is all about maintaining the speculative bubble.

    Many retirement and pension plans are heavily invested in the commercial properties market. When the Dems burst that bubble sometime prior to the election in November, the human impact will be devastating. The lockdowns and riots make it that much easier to trigger.

    Local governments should have contingencies in place to take possession of delinquent properties, many of them leveraged by significant tax breaks, and have a management scheme ready in order to assure that local businesses, what’s left of them, are not evicted.

    If properly managed, a commercial property market collapse could become stimulus for a resurgence in business starts and a better chance of those and existing businesses surviving.

    Unfortunately, investors will take the biggest hit, but that is what tbey are for.

  5. Any business large and small who votes for any democrat communist party nominee for any office either local, state, or Federal deserves, that’s right deserves to lose their business because the democrat communist party’s business is destroying businesses. That goes for those fuck stick companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook, Walmart who think the will be immune from attacks from the democrat communists if they side with them. Sooner or later they too will become the targets.

    Has anyone noticed how all of the democrat women who get elected are the most radical rage filled communists? Why is that?


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