The Left couldn’t care less about black Americans – IOTW Report

The Left couldn’t care less about black Americans

Dennis Prager.

Virtually every conservative in America knows the title of this column is true. Virtually every leftist knows it, too, but lying for the cause is what the Left does (think “Russian collusion”). And those liberals who have become increasingly indistinguishable from leftists know it’s probably true but won’t say so — lest they side with conservatives and, more importantly, be branded “racist” by the left.

How the Left brands a person now determines many people’s moral and political positions.

If the Left cared about blacks, leftists would work to raise blacks to universal academic standards, not lower and abolish standards as they have done for decades, most recently in abolishing the SAT exam at the University of California.

If the Left cared about blacks, leftists would work to elevate all people, including blacks, not only to universal academic standards but also to universal personal/moral standards. Perhaps the most obvious of these is that women should marry before having children, and men should stay in the lives of children they conceived — ideally as the husband of their mothers, but at least as a father, mentor and breadwinner. But when University of Pennsylvania Law School professor Amy Wax wrote a column advocating such “middle-class, bourgeois” standards, leftists denounced her as a “white supremacist” (as if those are “white” values — a racist view if there ever was one) and “racist.” Nearly half her Penn Law colleagues denounced her.

If the Left cared about blacks, they would encourage a vibrant religious life in the inner city (and everywhere else, for that matter). What proportion of black (or nonblack) murderers had attended church the Sunday before they committed murder? But the left despises traditional Judeo-Christian religions as much it despises America. read more

11 Comments on The Left couldn’t care less about black Americans

  1. It begins and ends in the home. The black ‘community’ has the highest percentage of illegitimate births and single parent households. There’s an old Chris Rock routine that goes: “If you call your grandmama mama and your mama Pam you’re going to the penitentiary”.

  2. The left cares about the number in the collective to gain power. The individual is expendable if they can’t be controlled and their need is irrelevant. It’s not only blacks.

  3. The only thing the left cares about is how they can use separate groups to get votes and power and money.
    Candace Owens posted a video showing BLM is funneling money to Dems through a group named “Act Blue”.
    Like Prager said, if they really did care they’d be helping to fix the schools,etc.

  4. Well, neither do I.
    Black Americans, White Americans, Latin Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Brown Americans, Yellow Americans, Queer Americans, Straight Americans, Pedophile Americans, Southern Americans, Yankee Americans, Cowboy Americans, Brokeback Americans, Eskimo Americans, Japanese Americans, African Americans, …, whatever.

    Factionalism and Sectionalism – Divide and Conquer – they use it because it works.
    If the Individual’s Rights are respected, all the other shit fades to insignificance. If we grant “rights” on the basis of some ephemeral “identity” then the Rights of the individual suffer, or are denied entirely.

    If the actions of ONE cop defines ALL cops, then the actions of ONE negro defines ALL negroes. And so on, and so on, and so on … until we (however we define “we”) can justifiably exterminate groups on the basis of how that group is defined and the actions of the archetype of that group.

    Dangerous stuff.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Truth to tell, I couldn’t care less about blacks, American or otherwise, either. I am happy to leave them to their own devices; simply LEAVE CIVILIZED PEOPLE ALONE. That’s all. Pretty simple.


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