Where are the gutless Republicans? – IOTW Report

Where are the gutless Republicans?

American Thinker:
By Patricia McCarthy

The death of George Floyd on May 25 was horrific, an obvious abuse of power by the Minneapolis police officer and three colleagues who made no attempt to come to Floyd’s aid.  The next day, the rioting began in Minneapolis.  It was violent, destructive, and murderous.  Tragically, the death of this one man at the hands of one particular bad cop became an opportunity for the demolition of the city.  Hundreds of small businesses, many of them minority-owned, were destroyed.

Like previous riots, the rioters have set their own communities back decades.  The riots spread to New York; Washington, D.C.; Los Angeles; Chicago; Santa Monica; Beverly Hills; and elsewhere.  There have been protests in nearly every other city in America.  Hundreds of millions of dollars in losses due to looting and damage to buildings have been incurred.

The crisis has devolved into more destruction of historical statues; Columbus has been executed over and over again.  In nearly all cases, the police have been ordered to let the rioters have their way; they were not allowed to do their job.

Nearly all the rioting took place in cities chronically and badly run by Democrats, public officials who have for years implemented every misguided progressive policy known to man.  They are all destined to fail.  As Dov Fischer wrote, “Systemic Racism and Bigotry Are the Lifeblood of the Left.”  These riots tell the story.

The question is, where on Earth are the Republicans?  Why has there been no press conference with every Republican in the House and Senate standing together to denounce all this violence?  To passionately defend our police?  They know damn well that Chauvin is an outlier, a bad cop who has kept his job because his Democrat-run city kept him despite his abusive tendencies.

Would any of these Republicans put up with their own children behaving in such a manner?  Of course not.  Every Republican knows that when you permit bad behavior, you get more of it — lots more of it.  A small child wants to find out where the limits are.  The same is likely true with these perps.  Let them act out day after day, and they will escalate, as they have in Seattle.  Governor Inslee is a fool, as is Mayor Garcetti of Los Angeles. read more

18 Comments on Where are the gutless Republicans?

  1. As long as there are no bailouts I am all for the destruction of leftist cities (as long as the residents don’t move to red states). I also hope more of Seattle will secede. It might turn the state red.

  2. Hanoverfist, yea, and, in addition,

    What the whole world is doing

    Waiting and watching to see. . .

    Nancy bobbing in that Bay
    **with cavutoes up and wallaces and williamses foundered

  3. Mark Steyn has been on this point for three days. Outside of Trump they are worthless. All of them. Trying to fall all over to get their own police reform bill out instead of standing up for the police and this country as founded and stand against this destruction. Spineless worthless dolts.

  4. Don’t let the label fool you. Dems and Repubs are one in the same (with very few exceptions). They assume the mantle of whatever party is the “favored” in whatever district just to glom votes. Once elected they all embrace the same Marxist/Communist dogma. Do you really believe they will call out their comrades? The club has its rules don’t you know.

  5. ed, I think almost all of them are kneeling at the Deep State alter.

    Mr. President, AHEAD FULL. Destroy the Deep State before they destroy us. Whatever it takes.

    I ain’t “staying home” on COVID-Phase-2 lock downs, I can tell you that right now. And my governor ain’t gonna like it.

  6. “Where are the gutless Republicans?”

    At “work”, enjoying life, ignoring the news, and waiting to vote, to end this stupid crap.

    I do not have the authority here in my shop to open a can of woop-ass on the protesters and other dumb asses. That a higher authority than mine. But I can do my part voting.

    I could do my part on the sniper fire, but thats sorta frowned upon.

  7. Keep your powder dry originalists. The task is coming. Don’t be drawn out by the raw tempest. Ya’ll be needed by the true constitutional movement. Justice is coming.

  8. @ Ulysses Toole

    Don’t tease me.

    As time is flying by and age grips my body, I am likely to die before justice prevails at the local, regional, state or national level.

    I pray you see it in your and my children’s lifetime.

  9. As that late great southern governor said during his 1960’s era run for the Presidency “there is not a dimes worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican parties”! Now the difference is down to a nickel!

  10. In Maine Susan Collins is busy badmouthing Pres Trump but has not uttered one word about Generalissimo Mills keeping the state shut down and destroying the entire economy of the state.
    If you see her ads they’re always harping on about how she works hard for Mainers.
    Nope. Only as far as she can get taxpayer money from other states through the feds.
    Sadly, most of our Republican Legislators gave up months ago. They carry on with complaining that they are outnumbered and the Dems control all 3 houses of government so they can’t do anything anyway. Pathetic.


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