Democratic plan to demilitarize police is back-door attack on 2nd Amendment, congressman warns – IOTW Report

Democratic plan to demilitarize police is back-door attack on 2nd Amendment, congressman warns

The congressman explained why he has significant problems with the Democrats’ police reform proposal.

Just The News:

Republicans can support many proposed racial justice reforms, but a Democratic plan to demilitarize police departments will put officers at risk and open a back-door assault on 2nd Amendment rights, a GOP congressman warns.

“Next is going to be, well if law enforcement aren’t allowed to have AR15’s and semi-automatic rifles, then you as a citizen shouldn’t be able to either,” Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., told Just the News, explaining why he opposes a House Democratic plan to curb the transfer of military-style weapons for law enforcement.

The legislation comes as the nation engages in a debate about issues including race and policing in the wake of the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minnesota.

Steube, an Iraq war veteran, JAG lawyer and son of a retired Florida sheriff, also expressed significant concern about “changing the standard for qualified immunity,” which an officer can use as a defense from civil or criminal charges when they have properly followed protocols and training.

“I don’t know anybody out there that would want to be a law enforcement officer knowing that if you do everything that you were trained to do, you still can get personally sued and they can come after you criminally,” he told the John Solomon Reports podcast. more here

25 Comments on Democratic plan to demilitarize police is back-door attack on 2nd Amendment, congressman warns

  1. Anything that destabilizes society, creates chaos, and gives democRATS an improved chance to win an election is worth it.

    It’s about time to say we’ve had enough and begin to say what needs to be said.

    check this out but understand the guy is going to be crucified but he’s right:

    (BTW the PA Health Secretary is a MAN dressed up as a woman!) who knew?

  2. “Republicans can support many proposed racial justice reforms”

    we have been there and done that

    what has it gotten us?

    no more

    now is the summer of our discontent

    do not make the mistake of waiting for the republicans or any elected politician to come to our rescue

    they have never before and they won’t now

    how long can DJT stand there by himself?

    if we think this country is worth saving then by God we need to start saving it.\

    otherwise kiss it good bye

  3. Any congressional legislation that imposes on the States police power in any way should and no doubt will be challenged in court. The congress has no authority over the States in this regard.

  4. Can a civilian currently own an AR15? Yes. So it’s not a military weapon. The military would e crazy to issue them. Are LE using Select Fire Weapons? Yes they are. LE does not need a damn machine gun. This is some stinken thinken.

  5. Didn’t Obama want to nationalize the police? If the Democrats have their way they will turn the police into the brownshirts so they can control us and take away our firearms.

  6. Some of the things in the law actually make sense to me on the surface, such as revisions to “qualified immunity”, prohibiting choke-holds, and elimination of no-knock warrants. As to eliminating the “transfer of military-grade weapons”, I agree with that too, if that means full-auto weapons transferred from the military. Unfortunately, there is sure to be much more in the bill then the article covers, as always, the devil is in the details. And the democrats cannot EVER be trusted.

  7. @Brad – did you notice the comment on one of the retweets:
    “The Atlanta Police Shot & killed a man last night that was sleeping in a car in a Wendys parking lot…”

    Poor guy, just wanting to catch a few zees, shot dead for the crime of “sleeping while black”.

  8. What kind of country do you want? Bowing down to these anarchists ain’t the answer.

    Letting Neo-Prog/Cancel-Culture Dem politicians, without ANY experience in police work (or any other kind of skilled labor) will never work. They just want to perpetuate their dream of tribal anarchy, stealing the subjects’ money and sucking the gravy and power.

    This morning, Trump was presiding at the graduating West Point Class of 2020, 10:30 AM today on WH Live. Rather good speech, after some band music. Re:

    The WH Live will play after you click at 31:45 (or thereabouts) minutes in, where the live cast begins. Otherwise…nothing. Or, by now, will switch it to YouTube. After this, Trump saluted 1,007 times to some 1,007 graduates, as they were called each by name while presenting in front of the Commander in Chief.

    Anyway, after watching this, went to the Seattle Chaz update news for comparison. Those people are sick and will not want, nor do they want to be affiliated with, any established, civilized county, other than their tribe. Their infantile brains just can’t handle it.

    Even now, many are way into their adult and marriage years. A real waste, but a very good harvest of Useful Idiots for the likes of Soros, Steyer, Neo-Prog/Cancel-Culture Dems, American Haters, et al..

  9. “Their infantile brains just can’t handle it.” -pianamusic

    And Seattle has more than their fair share of them. They’re everywhere!

    And you can listen to them in dozens of CHAZ Twitter videos. As a father, I find it very sad.

    Play the piano for me, pianamusic.

  10. All part of the plan.

    Got to hand it to these swamp/left/islamic plotters: they think very far ahead.

    As for our heads? They’ve been up the GOP’s ass.

    We deserve all the misery we’re going through, and will continue to deserve it until we kill the GOP entirely and start a new party.

  11. Jimmy – Play the piano for me, pianamusic

    If you have any music accounts, Search for:
    The Synthonic Orchestra, Band & Choir
    Air on a Lullabye

    All other 10 (or so) albums can be accessed at Amazon, Spotify, etc. under:
    The Synthonic Orchestra, Band & Choir

    That’s the only way this music is available at this time.

    But, “Air on a Lullabye” was what I was going to Link the full version, which is not possible at this time, apparently.

    I will look into it, as there was a large interest in this track several weeks ago.

  12. I don’t know anybody out there that would want to be a law enforcement officer knowing that if you do everything that you were trained to do, you still can get personally sued and they can come after you criminally

    C’mon, Greg, you’re my representative and I thought you were smarter than that. If an act is a crime if a non-cop does it, but the cop is trained to do it, and it’s in the policies & procedures manual, then any intelligent person would want to take a long, hard look at those procedures and that training.

  13. No Totalitarian Police State wants to exist (indeed, CAN exist) without Police.

    The attacks on the police are part of a grand strategy, a subterfuge (if you will), to destabilize us in the short term, in order to impose a rigid structure BASED on police, in permanency.

    Look to the past to see the designs of the present. Destabilization, chaos, and anarchy are required to persuade the masses of people to DEMAND stricter control. It’s no surprise that these things are happening in the most “progressive” cities – those cities controlled by women and “minorities” OR feminist “minorities” with large populations of bums, hobos, drug-addicts, poverty, crime, and sullen, hopeless despondency – demonrats ALL.

    We don’t need to Federalize this – THAT would put them one step closer to their goal.
    The fools will get hungry, thirsty, and tired of wallowing in shit if simply left to their own devices – let them have a taste of Freedom AND Autonomy.
    They’ll choke – none of them could survive a week without the succor of others.

    izlamo delenda est …


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