NYC COVID-19 Contact Tracers Not Asking About George Floyd Protest Participation, Despite Fears of New Virus Wave – IOTW Report

NYC COVID-19 Contact Tracers Not Asking About George Floyd Protest Participation, Despite Fears of New Virus Wave

The City: Over the two last weeks, Mayor Bill de Blasio and others have voiced concerns that packed police brutality protests across the city could trigger a new wave of COVID-19 infections.

Whether or not that’s the case, however, remains unknown — and de Blasio’s team won’t be directly trying to find out.

The hundreds of contact tracing workers hired by the city under de Blasio’s new “test and trace” campaign have been instructed not to ask anyone who’s tested positive for COVID-19 whether they recently attended a demonstration, City Hall confirmed to THE CITY.

“No person will be asked proactively if they attended a protest,” Avery Cohen, a spokesperson for de Blasio, wrote in an emailed response to questions by THE CITY. more

6 Comments on NYC COVID-19 Contact Tracers Not Asking About George Floyd Protest Participation, Despite Fears of New Virus Wave

  1. Thanks democrats and other assorted communist motherfuckers. Now “health science” in the US is in a complete shambles too. I’ll never trust a public health bureaucrat again. And the GOP can go fuck itself. The only future leader that matters now is the one willing to bust heads and kill the progressive mob that is doing this to our country. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.

  2. That’s because they are Democrat operatives going door to door conducting political operations which have nothing to do with public health. At best, Contact Tracing is just typical government money flowing to favored Democrat orgs. At worst, it’s a Constitutionally questionable inquisition run by the state under the guise of health concerns. Those states and cities hiring entities to do Contact Tracing need to have their contracts traced.

    “Lancet Global Health scientists conclude that contact tracing will work when “less than 1 percent of transmission occurred before the onset of symptoms.” That’s the opposite of the coronavirus: Victims are most contagious before or just as their symptoms begin, research indicates. By the time they are diagnosed and asked for contacts, those contacts are already infecting others. Oxford University scientists also caution that the coronavirus spreads by too many mechanisms “to be contained by manual contact tracing.”

  3. No one seems to want to be told things they don’t want to hear.

    Sometimes by official policy, either written, spoken, or implied.

    A sign of our times, or so it seems to me.

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