Minneapolis officers quit in wake of George Floyd protests – IOTW Report

Minneapolis officers quit in wake of George Floyd protests


MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — At least seven Minneapolis police officers have quit and another seven are in the process of resigning, citing a lack of support from department and city leaders as protests over George Floyd’s death escalated.

Current and former officers told The Minneapolis Star Tribune that officers are upset with Mayor Jacob Frey’s decision to abandon the Third Precinct station during the protests.

Demonstrators set the building on fire after officers left. Protesters also hurled bricks and insults at officers. Numerous officers and protesters have been injured.

Mylan Masson, a retired Minneapolis officer and use-of-force expert, says officers don’t feel appreciated.

14 Comments on Minneapolis officers quit in wake of George Floyd protests

  1. …sounds like the PD gonna disband itself.

    …what cha gonna do THEN, Democrats?

    …hmm, Ilhans district, lemme guess…


    …guessing THEY won’t hear a PEEP about use of force, not even beheadings or stonings…



  2. Who else do we know that has to fight media narratives and negative coverage every single day?

    Use social media to defend your record. Go directly to the people you work for. Fight with statistics and facts. Transparency has never been more important. If you can’t win on your record and facts, well, bye.

  3. po lees departments will exist going forward in only one way.

    with no go zones into the minority areas.

    why on earth would a cop ever interact with a black ever again?

    have to be nuts to do dat

  4. Tony R
    JUNE 15, 2020 AT 3:04 PM
    “Meanwhile, in Atlanta, the DA is charging the cop who righteously shot the black criminal, with murder. Before any investigation.”

    …he’s overcharging on PURPOSE. The idea is to get an acquittal just before the elections so there are more and WORSE riots they can use to drive their slaves away from Trump’s rescue attempts. As with Rodney King, the DOJ will then feel compelled to file federal Civil Rights charges to get around double jeapordy laws, then get it before a Democrat “judge” who will rule by feelz, ignore the law, and convict. This won’t mollify the rioters who will be told that Democrats made it happen and it’s just ’cause racist Trump is afraid of them (and also so they can steal a hoody to go with the shoes they stole LAST time), but it WILL demoralize police forces everywhere just before the election and drive LEOs, too, away from Trump.

    Give the devil his due. Even thought we’ve seen this trick before, it still works because its a new generation that’s been busy destroying their own history. Divide and rule is what the devil always does, and it looks like it’s gonna work THIS time, too…

  5. You don’t want this. Federal police will be the next step – they will be the ones enforcing vaccinations on everyone or off to the cattle cars. This is NWO sh*t when the local police are run off.

  6. In a department with around 800 sworn officers, 7 is not much. I know of departments with fewer than 100 who are short way more than 7. When the number resigning gets closer to 100, that’s a crisis.

  7. @Supernightshader June 15, 2020 at 11:46 am

    > Who run Bartertown?

    You fear local rule? By the locals for the locals?

    You believe it to be more despotic than cosmopolitan rule? Of the foreign by the foreign for the foreign?

    That knowing you will live and die in what you create, will create a hellscape? That could be a paradise. If only the best and brightest could strip all it’s assets? For “you”? And move on.

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