North Korea blows up South Korea liaison office – IOTW Report

North Korea blows up South Korea liaison office

FOX: South Korea said Tuesday that North Korea’s military demolished an inter-Korean liaison office building just north of the tense Korean border, only days after the Hermit Kingdom threatened a “tragic scene” at the site.

The building, located in the North Korean border town of Kaesong, was destroyed at 2:49 p.m. local time, Seoul’s Unification Ministry said. more

20 Comments on North Korea blows up South Korea liaison office

  1. It’s not helping the situation to have some goddam deep state perfumed Pentagon princes mouthing off about how they will resist the Commander In Chief if he gives them orders they don’t like. Asshoe China sees this and is stirring the shit again, with NoKo as the spoon. You Pentagon M——rf——-rs had better snap to.

  2. “They blew up the building on their OWN territory.”

    This time. China is observing our reaction. We are not done here. Next time the provocation may get kicked up a notch.

    China started the Covid on it’s own territory. Look where that ended up.

  3. I don’t know why media (Fox included) are showing pics of Un’s sister and not Un. Did anyone hear anything about Lil’ Kim giving up his rattan throne to her?

    Seems to me that the only reason she’s alive right now is because Kim is.

  4. Feminists have been saying for decades that the world would be a much better place if women were in charge. Let’s see how that works out for the Norks when Kim Yo Jong takes the reins.

  5. @Tony R

    One of the final symptoms in the death of an empire is that women are in positions of authority. They become police chiefs, sheriffs, mayors, governors, legislators and/or presidents. They usurp men’s leadership positions as prophesied by God when He told Eve that she (women) would desire her husband’s (men’s) authority.

  6. It’s all okay because Kim Jong Un’s sister was seen wearing the new Juche’ Couture fashion line that empowers Socialist women. Her low-cut Boiler Suit was accompanied by stylish flats by Birkenaustock.


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