NYC’s de Blasio fires back at Cuomo’s threat to shut down Manhattan over coronavirus social distancing – IOTW Report

NYC’s de Blasio fires back at Cuomo’s threat to shut down Manhattan over coronavirus social distancing

Truth is, they BOTH like to pick and choose which areas are to be shut down at their whims, and for how long. So one is no better than the other.

FOX: Mayor Bill de Blasio on Sunday fired back at Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s threat to shut down Manhattan again if the city didn’t enforce social-distancing better — saying through a rep that “imprisoning people” isn’t the answer.

“We must balance safety with people’s need to reopen their businesses,” a City Hall spokeswoman said in an e-mail.

“We had social distancing ambassadors out all weekend distributing masks and encouraging people to disperse after making their purchases.

“These businesses are allowed to be open per the governor’s guidelines and we don’t believe imprisoning people or taking away their livelihood is the answer.” more here

10 Comments on NYC’s de Blasio fires back at Cuomo’s threat to shut down Manhattan over coronavirus social distancing

  1. …we don’t believe imprisoning people or taking away their livelihood is the answer…

    I disagree. Both De Blasio and Cuomo need to be fired for incompetence and thrown in jail for malfeasance in office.

  2. When will citizens (actual citizens, not BLM/Antifa terrorists) finally have enough and end this staggering tyranny of Leftism and double-standards? When will we demand to return to a nation of states and cities ruled by the ballot box and not the petty tyranny of Democrat dictators and their specially cultivated hordes of violent thugs? Where the law applies to all citizens equally and not based on fake racial disparity, and under threat of violence or the destruction of our livelihoods? Where are the oath takers who have sworn to prevent such situations from developing? Those who are sworn to uphold the Constitution? This is like something from a (soon-to-be banned) Orwell novel!

  3. It should be made at Law at the Federal Level that all states have to have “recall provisions” in their Constitutions. It would make it easier to remove people like Big Bird, Fredo’s Bro, Half Whitmer, Northam and others. When leaders act with this much malfeasance and malice, the constituents should have the recourse to remove them.


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