History Lesson: First African-Americans elected to Congress were Republicans – IOTW Report

History Lesson: First African-Americans elected to Congress were Republicans

JustTheNews: The criticism about the Republican Party having just one black senator in South Carolina’s Tim Scott has intensified with allegations that the GOP is using him to lead Capitol Hill police-reform efforts, which have focused on police brutality toward black Americans after George Floyd’s death.

However, the first African-Americans to serve in both chambers of the U.S. Congress were members of the Republican Party.

Hiram Rhodes Revels, a Republican from Mississippi, became the first African-American member of the Senate when he was seated in 1870, during the post-Civil War Reconstruction era. Blanche Bruce, also a Mississippi Republican, was the second in 1875.

Rep. Joseph Rainey, a Republican from South Carolina, became the first African-American to serve in the House when he was selected by his party to complete the term of an incumbent who resigned in disgrace in 1870.

The Republican Party, at that time, represented emancipation for slaves while members of the Confederacy, which opposed the abolition of slavery in the South, were members of the Democratic Party. MORE

10 Comments on History Lesson: First African-Americans elected to Congress were Republicans

  1. Most Negros, up until lbj were Republican… The party of “We’ll have niggers voting democrat for a hundred years” has performed well. If all (or at least most) politicians were not “in it” for the graft and corruption, we would not be seeing what we are currently seeing. Hang all of them. God will work it out.

  2. The first Black Democratic Senator, and the first Black woman, was Carol Moseley Braun, from Illinois (1993–99).

    not too long ago from what i see.
    what’s a matter democrats, don’t you, like being governed by black people????

    “focused on police brutality toward black Americans”

    lets show a little focus on black attacks on police for once!!!!

  3. The dems are tearing down all the Confederate Statues nationwide so that in five years they can start the narrative that Republicans kept slaves and lost to the South….wanna bet?

  4. Back in the early 1970s, when American History was still taught properly, I learned about these incredible Black Republican senators and Reconstruction.
    It wasn’t until after I went through a radical leftist stage did I finally appreciate how important it was black Americans were experiencing the American Dream throughout history.
    The left realizes it’s not enough to tear down historical “racist” statues. They have to brainwash generations of Americans into believing there is no significance to historical achievements made by conservative Americans, no matter the ethnicity.


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