Allegation- 3 New York Police Officers Poisoned By Shake Shack Employees? – IOTW Report

Allegation- 3 New York Police Officers Poisoned By Shake Shack Employees?

Update below:

Conservative Treehouse: According to the New York Police, three police officers were “intentionally poisoned by one or more workers at the Shake Shack at 200 Broadway in Manhattan. After tasting the milk shakes they purchased they became ill, making it necessary for them to go to an area hospital. Fortunately, our fellow officers were not seriously harmed.”  (LINK)

The Shake Shack corporation previously aligned themselves with the Black Lives Matter movement.  Specifically the corporation said they were we’re taking action “to become better allies, not only for our Black colleagues, but for the entire Black community.”

Thus current Shake Shack employees can argue their attacks against police was their collective expression of social justice in carrying out the interests of the organization. MORE

From Summit News:

Shake Shack later acknowledged the incident, tweeting, “We are horrified by the reports of police officers injured at our 200 Broadway Shack in Manhattan. We are working with the police in their investigation right now.”

UPDATE: After an investigation, the NYPD says there is no criminality involved, suggesting the drinks were poisoned by accident.

“NYPD finds no criminality by Shake Shack workers in case of sickened cops,” remarked John Cardillo. “Well this is odd as most places don’t bleach paper cups. I guess the bleach jumped into the milkshakes on its own.” MORE

SNIP: Click on John Cardillo’s link in the post.

29 Comments on Allegation- 3 New York Police Officers Poisoned By Shake Shack Employees?


    “The NYPD launched an investigation after the officers fell ill and determined early Tuesday morning that there was no criminality by employees, according to a tweet from NYPD Detective Chief Rodney Harrison.
    Investigators believe a cleaning solution used to clean the milkshake machines wasn’t fully cleared and may have gotten into the officers’ drinks.”

    Which still begs the question; given the company’s public stand on the matter, why were the officers eating there in the first place?

  2. At a largely peaceful lunchtime incident, three officers were almost poisoned to death.

    Officers responded in a mostly proper way, killing every employee at Shake Shak.

  3. The kitchen must surely have cameras. It won’t be hard to see how the bleach “accidentally” got into the shakes. Also, just because it was an “accident” doesn’t mean the officers can’t sue Shake Shake into oblivion. I hope they sue, get a huge settlement, tell New York to fuck off, and go find a nice, decent red state to retire to.

  4. The Health Department should close down that Shake Shack location until a thorough and exhaustive investigation can be done to ensure that this situation never happens in the future. It should take about six months. If De Blasio wants to step in it’s time for the Police Union to step into him.

  5. “UPDATE: After an investigation, the NYPD says there is no criminality involved, suggesting the drinks were poisoned by accident.”

    So, did they find anyone else had been poisoned accidentally, or just three people who happened to be cops?

  6. AbigailAdams – And try them in a NY court? Under de blasio’s and Cuomo’s leadership? With the lib judges?

    The most cops and firemen could hope for is the place gets burned down by the people shake shack loves so damn much. You know, the “Action” they were hoping for. lol.

  7. ^^^ Hey, don’t talk about brothers, MY brother/husband was GREAT in bed, or seems like he WOULD have been if I still had a clitoris. Not as good as my father/husband, but I had to kill HIM becaus…I mean, he died lately and I’m still im mourning, so it’s racist of you to say brothers aren’t good in bed.

    …anyway, best way to kill someone is bombs and knives in the back if you don’t have time for formal stonings or beheadings.

    Ask me how I know.

  8. …and yes, I’m joking in a thread where cops got poisoned. That’s because it’s pretty damn stupid to go to a militant Black Owned Business that’s pledged it’s full support to people who say All Cops Are Bad and are CURRENTLY in the process of trying to kill you, and NOT expect them to at least SPIT in your food.

    …some places I don’t go for food WITHOUT a uniform because I know they don’t like White people and will give me bad chicken with boogers. A Black guy I worked with told me his brother used to kerp dead insects on the windowsill at a drve-thru and spike White people’s takeout with them when he was younger. Jessie Jackson himself once said he spat in White people’s food.

    You should EXPECT that, as a cop, and maybe NOT GO THERE…

    …I guess I DO have a uniform of sorts on, now that I think about it. In a RACE war, we ALL already have our uniforms on…

  9. scr_north
    JUNE 16, 2020 AT 11:38 AM
    “The Health Department should close down that Shake Shack location until a thorough and exhaustive investigation can be done to ensure that this situation never happens in the future. ”

    …back in the beat cop days, they would just ask them if their permits are in order. Because of the Byzantine welter of permitting requiring corrupt official bribing in NYC, they never ARE.

    …then, they can shut them down by simply enforcing laws they normally ignore in the FIRST place….

  10. I’m just a civilian white guy and there are some places where I will not buy prepared food because I do not trust the employees due to my direct observations of some of the staff.
    Use common sense people.

  11. If it was cleaning fluid in the machine why did ONLY three police Officers get sick????????? Every drink that came out of that machine prior to the police would have been contaminated as well. I would like to see attempted murder charges brought against every employee

  12. Every head will bow and every knee will bend before Jesus Christ. Oh happy day!

    There never was and never will be perfect justice in this world. These days are reinforcing that this is not my home. I am forced to expect little of humanity’s justice.

    Some people like to talk about man’s “better angels.” Saying that presupposes that man has “lesser angels” to begin with.


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