Another day, another bogus report from CDC seeking to entice the public to continue wearing masks – IOTW Report

Another day, another bogus report from CDC seeking to entice the public to continue wearing masks

American Thinker:

By Jack Hellner

The CDC now says it has proof that wearing face masks reduced COVID-19 cases in NYC by 66,000 from April 17 to May 9.

Face masks reduce New York coronavirus cases by over 66,000, study deems it most effective way to check spread

Health experts have been advising people to wear face masks in public to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and now numbers indicate that it works. A new study shows that wearing a face mask dramatically decreases a person’s chances of being infected by the new coronavirus. Researchers found that using a face mask alone reduced the number of Covid-19 infections by more than 66,000 in New York City from April 17 to May 9.

There is no way they would know this, and it is as made up as the modeling numbers that CDC put out in March that showed that hundreds of millions would get the disease and millions would die.  That is the study that destroyed the economy and caused governors throughout the country to require us to wear masks, social distance, and avoid large groups for the first time in our lives. 

If they wanted a legitimate story, they would have looked at cases in states without the face mask requirement to see how many cases they had from April 17 to May 9.  Instead of doing that, they just made numbers up, and the media, like puppets, repeat the bogus numbers to indoctrinate people into wearing masks. read more

12 Comments on Another day, another bogus report from CDC seeking to entice the public to continue wearing masks

  1. If only Sheila Jackson Lees mask concealed a ball gag gorilla glued permanently we would all be much safer.
    She’s one of the reasons Houston has gone to hell recently. I cannot figure out how she keeps getting elected. Her district is a shithole.

  2. I am watching the rioters, arsonists and looters mobs to
    see how many go down within the next few weeks. They are
    just the lab rats I need to observe in planning my courses
    of future Whuflu actions.
    As to the politicians with a doc title? I’m mostly ignoring
    them unless they prove they can do a hell of a lot better.

  3. What a coincidence. Just when masks in public are convenient for the new Brownshirts to avoid identification, the CDC tells everyone to wear masks, for a virus that cannot survive outdoors in the summer sun.

  4. Every day we read Covid-19 numbers are increasing.
    But what is the scope of that broad made for media statement?

    Someone correct me if I am wrong here please.
    My logic based understanding given the known facts:

    * 26+/-% of all Covid-19 tests produce False Positive Results. This according to the CDC and other national Health agencies themselves.

    * The Covid-19 test checks for Covid-19 anti-bodies. Therefore the test used does not check for actual “current” infectious persons, just if the person has Covid-19 anti-bodies even from possible prior mild no nothing exposure or a natural immunity.

    *The Covid-19 test is now widely nationally available. Literally 100’s of 1000’s are now getting tested. A Vast Majority of persons W/O any signs of illness according to those being tested and those administering the test.

    So are they testing and reporting only NEW Covid-19 infectious cases?
    NO!!! to me it seems they testing and reporting only if any person has Covid-19 anti-bodies present, not if they are infectious.

    Which is a seriously misleading generated number being used to over hype the Covid-19 severity.

  5. Our Mayor Regina Romero is demanding everyone wear a mask at all times,
    meanwhile only one person has been admitted to the hospital.

    She is also planning a mural to be painted downtown with taxpayer dollars for BLM, forget about we all need a four wheeler to drive through the streets because of the potholes.

    She also wants to plant a million tree’s to save the planet, for the love of Pete we live in the 🏜️ desert.

  6. COVID-19 numbers increasing? That’s inevitable.

    The real question: Are best practices of treating COVID-19 increasing?

    There’s very little discussion of that by our “public health” agencies, politicians or media.

  7. There was a time when the idea of wearing garlic around your neck to repel evil was laughed at. Little did we know that soon we would be required to wear face masks to do the same.


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