Mayor of Olympia, Washington celebrates BLM protests, then calls them ‘domestic terrorism’ when her home is vandalized – IOTW Report

Mayor of Olympia, Washington celebrates BLM protests, then calls them ‘domestic terrorism’ when her home is vandalized

“I’m really trying to process this,” Selby said. “It’s like domestic terrorism. It’s unfair.”

Post Millennial: Mayor of Olympia, Washington, Cheryl Selby, has been a vocal proponent of Black Lives Matter and backer of the protests that have spread across the country amid the death of George Floyd, but when these same people vandalized her home, she called it “domestic terrorism.”

It was reported last week that “two groups converged in downtown Olympia, and some became destructive, burnings flags, smashing windows, and spray painting businesses” moving eventually migrating to Selby’s neighbourhood and vandalizing her home.

This same retraction of endorsement for the behaviour of the protesters and rioters happened with ESPN sportswriter, Chris Martin Palmer, who initially supported the riots in Minneapolis, but called those same people “animals” when they came for his home. more

25 Comments on Mayor of Olympia, Washington celebrates BLM protests, then calls them ‘domestic terrorism’ when her home is vandalized

  1. Sooner or later these elitist white libs who cheer on Antifa and BLM have to realize that Antifa and BLM are not here to raise awareness of leftist ideology. These are anarchists who are hell bent on fundamentally transforming America into a Marxist shit hole. They have no interest in “liberal lite”. As soon as Dummycrats get the hell out of the way we can crack some heads and fix this problem.

  2. I’m here doing my morning ritual reading away at IOTW Report. And damn if something peculiar didn’t just happen. Something I’ve never experienced before. My trigger finger started to itch.

  3. I’m really trying to process this,” Selby said. “It’s like domestic terrorism. It’s unfair.”

    “It hurts when you’re giving so much to your community,” she added.

    Unfair? And there it is. Selby and her fellow travelers can’t resist injecting equity into every convo with the goal of legislating policies based on “fairness”.
    It will be lost on her the ppl she so virtuously panders to care nothing abt fairness, they want it ALL. Including hers. 😂

  4. I love it that her porch had virtue signaling on it, “BLM” in her window, and a rainbow flag on the wall, saying, “I’m one of you, see all my pieces of flair? Don’t attack my home!”

  5. Gee Wally, looks like waving the Virtue-Signaling Crucifix of Protection around in the air to ward off the ferals didn’t work!

    No kidding Beave. Maybe that’s cuz they don’t understand whut the concept of virtue is in the first place! Next time use a Viking War Mace, a Lance or better yet a good old fashioned Mossberg against these animals!

  6. Welcome to hell Mayor, there is no love, there is no loyalty, there is no fellowship, there is no light, there is no relief, there is no peace, but there is great deception, pain
    and destruction. Pro tip, avoid hell.

  7. Like most Liberal/Progs she (and likely her constituents) support BLM/Antifa riots and looting until their “stuff” is threatened. I’d bet money that in the next election she (and a pile of other prog mayors and councildouches) in cities like Olympia and Seattle will be tossed out of office by any candidate promising a strong police force that will protect them and their “stuff”. I mean principles are all well and good but it’s our “stuff” man!

    I particularly like the ESPN race baiter that changed his tune in record time. If he were white ESPN would have blown him out the door for calling the rioters “animals”.

  8. Hmm. I wonder if she thinks it “unfair” that Everygreen State College professor Bret Weinstein was fired because he wouldn’t support the college’s racist “no whites” protest?

    “Fairness” is an extremely subjective term to Lefties.

    “It’s all good”, mayor.

  9. How “fitting” and unfair at the same time. Me, I’m enjoying my Aunt Jemima pancakes with extra AJ syrup this morning all the while, whistling Zippity DooDah, and watching To Kill A mockingbird on TV.

  10. Hey, dumb See You Next Tuesday. Do yourself a favor. Buy yourself a Goddamned dictionary and look up the definition of fair. Might want to read Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid Air too.

    What a maroon, what an ignoranimous


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