Erosion of trust: 10 things public health establishment got wrong about coronavirus – IOTW Report

Erosion of trust: 10 things public health establishment got wrong about coronavirus

Just The News:

Time and again throughout the coronavirus pandemic you’ve heard it. As public health authorities and state and local elected officials blanketed the nation with restrictions on public mobility and assembly, work and worship, they waved aside doubts and objections with the assurance that they were simply following the “data and the science”; this as if data are always complete, reliable, transparent and unambiguous, and scientific opinion is always monolithic, settled, and immune to challenge. 

In reality, “the data and the science” pertaining to the new coronavirus have been partial, often ambiguous, sometimes arbitrary and misleading, even fraudulent — and continually shifting. Mistakes, of course, were inevitable when trying to understand and contain an unfamiliar, complex and highly contagious new virus. But when recurring expert error is coupled with an expectation that the public should mutely maintain an unquestioning faith in the claims of “the data and the science” — as has often been the case during the pandemic — the result may be a severe erosion in the credibility of public health authorities. Here are 10 things the public health establishment got wrong: 

1. Threat level: On Jan. 21, the day the first COVID-19 case in the U.S. was confirmed, National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci appeared on conservative Newsmax TV and said: “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States, and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.” 

By April 1, CDC Director Robert Redfield would be saying, “This is the greatest public health crisis that has hit this nation in more than 100 years.” 

2. Masks: “Seriously people — STOP BUYING MASKS!” So tweeted Surgeon General Jerome Adams on Feb. 29. “They are NOT effective in preventing [the] general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!” The CDC initially said, “If you are sick, you should wear a facemask when you are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office.” But “if you are NOT sick,” it added, “you do not need to wear a facemask unless you are caring for someone who is sick (and they are not able to wear a facemask).” That link now leads to the declaration with a subheading in large letters: “Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others.” more here

11 Comments on Erosion of trust: 10 things public health establishment got wrong about coronavirus

  1. If you want to understand what the “lockdown” and “quarantine” were really all about, and why they have been very successful in their intended but covert purpose, reading and meditating a bit on this little article will help:

    And excerpt from it “Considering the whole of Durkheim’s writing on anomie, one can see that he saw it as a breakdown of the ties that bind people together to make a functional society, a state of social derangement. Periods of anomie are unstable, chaotic, and often rife with conflict because the social force of the norms and values that otherwise provide stability is weakened or missing.”

  2. I envision a Horse drawn Wagon….”Dr McGillacuddy’s Snake Oil”

    Printed clearly on the side….Bill Gates driving with Fauci in

    the Shotgun seat… It’ll cure..




    and will take Tobacco Stains out of Your Clothes…a $1.99

  3. Fact 1: The truth never changes.

    Fact 2: What the “public health establishment” says about COVID 19 constantly changes.

    Conclusion: What the “public health establishment” says about COVID 19 is not the truth.

  4. They didn’t just get things wrong. They lied their azzes off.

    There is a reason why liberal institutions can fire any conservative any time they want and get away with it, while no conservative institutions can fire any liberals because every liberal is in a protected group.

    It’s because congress passed the laws that allowed it and presidents signed it and courts declared them constitutional.

    Iow, republican congresses and republican presidents and republican appointed judges all conspired against the people who voted for them and put them in orifice.

    Aks yosef. Why can they fire us but we can’t fire them?

    Once again, the republican party is not going to save you from jack shit.

  5. The dog that didn’t bark for six months:

    “Chelsea Clinton, Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation, works alongside the Foundation’s leadership and partners to help create economic opportunity, improve public health, and inspire civic engagement and service across the United States and around the world… In addition to her Foundation work, Chelsea also teaches at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health…”

  6. The “Erosion of trust” is based on complete – and ongoing – INCOMPETENCE of local, state and national ‘public health’ organizations caused by the politicization of medical care. It’s but one example of what happens when statism takes over a free country.

  7. Before this article ever got to the ten things the public health agencies got wrong–the author is wrong for calling this a highly contagious disease. There is no proof of that particularly when the numbers are so inflated.

  8. It was the flu. The flu kills the sick and the old. So does pnemonia.

    They picked Fauci the Clown to front the scam, because he has been a lamebrain alarmist for 37 years – and has never been right once. He reminds me of a schlock psychic, making zillions of crazy predictions, and then taking credit when one of the zillion come true.

  9. Unfortunately, there’s a piece of propaganda in the article — what a terrific way to spread it, just like tbe best of conjobs, buried within a lot of stuff that’s true and you will agree with.

    Hydroxychloroquine plus zinc, dissed as a treatment. And no studies except the bad ones mentioned.

    Also crap: reciting the flipflopping without resolving which one was the bullshit and which one wasn’t. E.g. masks. (I don’t own one, and will never wear one.) E.g. no deconstruction of social distancing…

    The most difficult misinformation to discern is not the expressed lie, but what is not said.


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