The Albuquerque Statue Shooting & Its Horribly Botched Coverage – IOTW Report

The Albuquerque Statue Shooting & Its Horribly Botched Coverage

The Militia Attack That Wasn’t

11 Comments on The Albuquerque Statue Shooting & Its Horribly Botched Coverage

  1. Don’t be too sure about that flip. The current state of affairs ain’t my Dad’s America. Did you ever think that you’d see Police Chiefs, WHITE Police Chiefs kneeling to placate violent blacks?

    Sending some poor honky off to Grey Bar City to keep the alligator at bay for another 5 minutes is the way they roll now.

    My advice, just don’t be anywhere near them.

  2. Agitprop by news scum who are too stupid to realize the
    videos shows pure self defense. Were they not smart to
    be outnumbered and surrounded by scateboard clubs toting
    NAZIS? Yes. Are they guilty? No.
    The Left is looking for their Horst Wessel to keep their
    Blackshirted goons marching.

  3. Soooo, a large mob forms, has ropes and spray paint, performs felony damage to property, and the only one that gets hauled off is the dude trying to stop all of it, and defends himself from the mob.

    Maybe police precincts SHOULD be burned down….just sayin

  4. Every headline is spun to make white, conservative, law-abiding citizens and politicians sound guilty of something. The headline for this incident made it clear the militia were guilty of something just not sure what.

  5. …the liberal press loves to steer you with out-of-context images, because it works. Rmember this from Vietnam?

    …even the guy who took the picture felt it was very misrepresented, as he wrote:

    “The general killed the Viet Cong; I killed the general with my camera. Still photographs are the most powerful weapon in the world. People believe them, but photographs do lie, even without manipulation. They are only half-truths. What the photograph didn’t say was, “What would you do if you were the general at that time and place on that hot day, and you caught the so-called bad guy after he blew away one, two or three American soldiers?” ”,9171,139659,00.html

    …see, show a picture, don’t tell you ANYTHING about it, and lead you to a wrong conclusion that makes right look wrong and wrong look right.

    It’s how they roll. It’s what they DO.

    …the media has been the enemy of the United States for a long time now, they just aren’t even TRYING to hide it any more…

  6. Shooter exonerated. Huh. Who’d a thunk?

    When a guy is hitting you with something hard after screaming he’s going to kill you, and you have a firearm, you shoot the motherfucker.

    That’s how we roll.


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