Sleepy Joe – IOTW Report

Sleepy Joe

The end of Joe Biden’s speech was uh… awkward to say the least. #PleaseClap.

23 Comments on Sleepy Joe

  1. Is there not something ronic about a sleepy man telling another man to wake up? Whatever miricle drugs they gave the pedo to get through a teleprompter reading with minimal error really sedated him.

    This putzs knows he will never be the nominee and is barely going through the motions, he delivered this rousing speech in a dive bar with an audience of 10 for heavens sake. This tool of a fool knows Hillezibub is waiting to pounce.

  2. All things considered, I thought it was a stellar appearance. Firstly, Dementia Joe left his geese at home. Secondly, the teleprompter worked properly. Thirdly, the old guy read everything well enough to look like he could manage the bingo game at the Memory Wellness Home. Fourthly, Doctor Jill didn’t have to remind him that it was time to leave the lectern. Fifthly, Joey didn’t have his black mask hanging from his ear. Sixthly, he didn’t take any questions from the hand picked audience, which proves he can follow instructions from his handlers, and this very, very important. Seventhly, Poor Joey stayed focused on reading the thing in a commanding manner, like a Commander in Chief would if he had to. Eighthly, the mental acuity seems to be holding up pretty well considering all things. Ninthly, I’ve included this because it’s usually misspelled as ninethly and I wanted to spell it correctly. Tenthly, well you know the rest….. the thing.

  3. The compensated homeless people brought in to applaud demanded overtime pay for enduring the length of time it took Joe to finish.
    “We’d rather get back out in the rain”

  4. Don’t you know – polls show Bid=n ahead by 14%!
    Juan Williams and Drudge are always citing these polls so they must be true.
    A million people try to sign up for a Trump rally wit seating for less than 20000, but Joe must be the clear winner.

  5. Slow Joe-
    One more thing, did I tell you the kids love the long hair on my legs and when they push it down they watch it come back up. 😂
    Yep, the best they got.

  6. Old Slow Joe is trying to channel General Patton when he talks in that phony commanding voice.

    “When I get to the White House I’m going to personally hang that paper-signin’ son-of-a-bitch Trump”.


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