Andrew Cuomo And Bill De Blasio Face Lawsuit Over Double Standard On Protests Vs. Religious Worship – IOTW Report

Andrew Cuomo And Bill De Blasio Face Lawsuit Over Double Standard On Protests Vs. Religious Worship

American Lookout:

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio have allowed massive protests in recent weeks while continuing to deny the rights of people of faith.

Now some people have had enough.

Orthodox Jews and Catholic priests have joined forces to sue the governor and the mayor. MORE

6 Comments on Andrew Cuomo And Bill De Blasio Face Lawsuit Over Double Standard On Protests Vs. Religious Worship

  1. So it’ll work it’s way up to the SC where the Cave In Twins will join with the 2 dykes, RBG and Bryer to pull something out of…thin air to justify their actions.

    BTW, is RBG even at the SC building or is she…ahem, mailing it in?

  2. I hope they win, it should be a cut and dried situation in favor of religious liberty, but with recent trends in our culture and our court system I have my doubts they will.

    And if they do, what will it mean in realistic terms? A court will say quit doing it that way and do it some other way that can somehow be legally justified even if it’s the same thing?

    This kind of victory, when there is one, usually ends up just being a temporary thing when it happens.

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