My Weekend in CHAZ (Part 1) – IOTW Report

My Weekend in CHAZ (Part 1)

3 Days in CHAZ/CHOP, or where ever.

16 Comments on My Weekend in CHAZ (Part 1)

  1. More or less this is Seattle. This is everyday behavior in Seattle. On a “normal” Seattle day they are dispersed throughout Seattle doing pretty much what you see here. The place is and has been a shithole for over a decade. A critical mass of the morons who reside there think this us cute, or smart, or funny. It isn’t.

    Sympathy…. If you look at my garden I have a special place where I have planted my Give A Shits for these idiots who have descended by choice to the sub human level. You will notice that it is barren. To be perfectly honest pity for them is increasingly difficult. It has become more like indifference to what they have made of themselves.

    Make absolutely no mistake about it, the leaders of the progressive movement are giddy at the misery, suffering and death cult they have developed. Drawing more people under their spell gets them off. What they truly are after is as many immortal souls as they can deliver to eternal suffering, misery and death. Destroying people’s lives is just an appetizer, they are in the progressive movement for the main course.

    They want as many immortal souls to suffer for all eternity as they can get.

  2. Another thing. Do not feel sorry for anyone who has voted for this. They knew what they were voting for going in. DO NOT fall into the trap of conceding “good intentions” to anyone who has voted for this.

    Have I not been consistent in what I have posted here regarding Seattle? Is this not EXACTLY what I have told you Seattle is? I know that people who read what I posted but have not lived in close proximity to this shit thought I was exaggerating things, but that is not the case at all.

    I have lived around the pieces of shit almost my entire life and have listened and observed and taken mental notes. This IS what they were voting for. It is EXACTLY what they voted for. Anyone can sit in ANY coffee shop or bookstore in Seattle and listen to the pieces of shit discuss their political philosophy or worldview all morning.

    Trust me, there is not one Goddamned thing in that video that has not been something anyone could not walk haphazardly around Seattle and see all of in a single afternoon. This has been going on for over a decade and the voters in Seattle have been just hunky dory with voting for more of it or to perpetuate it.

    Like I have posted many times, a critical mass, a voting majority, in Seattle think this is cute, smart and funny.

  3. The place needs to be stormed by fleets of Orkin vehicles all firing sevin dust bombs and squirting water canons of roach killer until the streets have running streams of chemical insecticide.

  4. I am not interested in anything these douchbags have to say from this shithole they created. The first thing that should have been done was to shut off utilities and internet, no food or water supplied to them. But no, that would be inhumane. If they don’t want to recognize the government, then why not force them to ‘live off the grid’ like other anti-government groups have been doing for years? These whiners just want a free ride through life.

  5. LMAO, the entire month of June AKA “Pride Month” has been totally co-opted by the BLM & Antifa bunch and is receiving 24/7 coverage by the MSM. Sorry sweeties, better luck nexth year.


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