Unify the Nation … by Vilifying Half the Country – IOTW Report

Unify the Nation … by Vilifying Half the Country

Patriot Retort: I’m sure you’ve seen the video clip of Benghazi Susan Rice saying this election is about putting Trump and his supporters in the Senate on the trash heap of history.  It’s par for the course that Democrats say such despicable things about their political opponents.  But what struck me about Benghazi Susan’s statement was her claim that getting Joe Biden in the White House will “heal and unify the nation.”

That’s the part of this brief MSNBC clip that had me chuckling.

How precisely does a Democrat candidate unify the nation when he and the rest of the Democrat Party can’t stop insulting and vilifying half the country?

Just two weeks ago, this man who allegedly can unify the nation wrote off ten to fifteen percent of the nation as “just not very good people.”

I’m sure included in that ten to fifteen percent are the black voters who don’t plan to vote for Joe, since, as he assured us, if you can’t decide between Trump or him, “you ain’t black.”

Let’s not forget how, in 2018, Mr. Unify the Nation referred to Americans who support President Trump as the “dregs of society.”

And we’re supposed to believe this hateful old man will “heal and unify the nation?” MORE HERE

17 Comments on Unify the Nation … by Vilifying Half the Country

  1. When did the Lord G-D Hosanna
    Whore-Bama unite and heal the nation ?

    Answer that question Susan Rice
    or FOREVER shut your
    lying cxkng cnt lpn mouth !

    POTUS Trump has no obligation to
    re-establish what moslem pig
    Whore-Bama willfully destroyed.

    POTUS Trump is trying to anyway
    in spite of lying idiotic objections
    from traitorous pigs like you
    Ms. Rice

    And we all know how much you pigs
    will hate it when
    POTUS Trump accomplishes it.

  2. Keep telling people they are trash and eventually they might believe it. It’s a pretty good strategy when you don’t have facts to fight with. My liberal friends constantly tell me I’m a terrible person because I say stuff like pick yourself up by the bootstraps. Thing is, I leave the conversation thinking, “gee, am I really a terrible person?” HELL NO but the thought does cross my mind. They got to me in a way, and I suspect many minds with more pressure would give in to it. To them I say there ain’t nothing worse than killin babies and enslaving minorities.

  3. Susan Rice would make a great choice for Dementia Joe Obiden Bama’s Vice Presidential Nominee. Susan Rice would insure that everything would be done “by the book, by the book, and by the book.” Of course, Dementia Joe couldn’t read the book unless it was “See Joe Run” or “Listen to Farmer Obiden’s Geese.” I’m sure that Dr. Jill will explain the meaning of “By the Book” if Susan Rice doesn’t have time to handle this onerous task. By the way, I know that the people destroying our country’s heritage are trash. Low down, lying, Yankee trash.

  4. Excellent excellent post Dianny!

    Two takeaways – though it was a takeaway rich piece: First and foremost, Susan Rice should always and forever more have Benghazi tied to her name. Just as with Baghdad Bob, Susan Rice is Benghazi Susan.

    Second, your piece restated what we already know, and that is everything a democrat accuses the right of doing, or not doing, they themselves are doing or not doing just that. It’s projection. They project their sins onto their enemies (us).

    I wish more people would open their minds to understand – and accept – this concept.

    edit: @Ann Nonymous – you posted while I was typing, and we duplicated each other.

  5. She is laying out what may eventually become a legal argument to put us in concentration camps.

    We are bad people, not progressive, racist to the core, and America would be a lot better of with us dead. They can easily identity us from gun ownership registers and lists of Republican voters.

  6. You have met one of THE enemy and it is Susan Rice. When you hear her speak or read her words, you are eavesdropping on the philosophy of Barack Obama and Valarie Jarrett.

  7. Has Susan Rice done 23 and me. because she has some restitutions to pay to herself….

    A friend of mine was a forester and went to Africa with the peace corp in the early 80’s….long story, long story….married a gal from Botswana and when he came back to visit he would always say….”There isn’t really any black people in America”…..That’s why we should all unite as Americans….I’ll go bake a Chevrolet and apple pie now…

  8. Hillary clinton let the cat out of the bag: we are ‘deporable’. They are trying to dehumanize us to make us easier for their street manaics to kill.

    It’s that simple.

  9. Jimmy – You have met one of THE enemy and it is pretty much anyone involved in or with the stair-prancing, pot-headed, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, Peace-Prize stealing, two-bit, sociopathic, Marxist Muzlim Mallard’s administration!! These Misery Merchants just can’t handle success and honesty!


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