Former Bush White House Staffer, Paris Dennard Blasts Joe Biden: Democrats ‘Have Put a Bigot at the Top of the Ticket’ – IOTW Report

Former Bush White House Staffer, Paris Dennard Blasts Joe Biden: Democrats ‘Have Put a Bigot at the Top of the Ticket’

Breitbart: Paris Dennard told Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM that he expects the 2020 election to be a clear contrast between President Trump and Joe Biden, especially as it relates to delivering for black Americans.

Host Matt Boyle noted that, in Biden’s time in the U.S. Senate, there were six resolutions that would have declared Juneteenth a national holiday, and Biden didn’t so-sponsor a single one.

Dennard added that Trump is asking Americans to look at his record and “Ask, ‘what have I done for you lately?’ Ask, ‘What have I done for you for the past 2 1/2 years?’ Ask, ‘What am I going to do for you in the future?’

“When you ask the same questions to Joe Biden, the answer is, ‘Nothing but harm, destroy, and pretty insulting,’ because I think Joe Biden is an old bigot who doesn’t really care about advancing anything except for his career,’” he said.

Dennard added that Biden’s actions amount to “pandering, and he should stay in his basement.” more

4 Comments on Former Bush White House Staffer, Paris Dennard Blasts Joe Biden: Democrats ‘Have Put a Bigot at the Top of the Ticket’

  1. Last time ’round, the Democrats were counting on love of Hillary to win.

    They didn’t, they lost.

    This time ’round they seem to be counting on hatred of Trump to win.

    Will it work this time, will they win?

    We’ll know soon enough, they’re doing everything they can do to pump up hatred in America today to a fever pitch in preparation for the elections, so it will be pretty clear with little or no interpretation needed to explain it afterward.

  2. Such harsh words about someone who has always pandered to Black Colored People around swimming pools and around election time for more than forty years. Come on, fella! Dementia Joe is practically guaranteeing that a Black Colored Woman will be the first Black Colored Woman President if he’s pulled over the finish line by Black Colored Voters. Dementia Joe won’t be President for too many months before he has to resign for completely overlooked cognitive decline developments, but he will have achieved his historical purpose.

  3. Just remember, Korn Pop was a baaaaad dude who ran a bunch of baaaaad boys.

    Every time I think of that I bust out laughing. What a racist, pandering asshole.


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