Richard Grenell Gets CNN’s Erin Burnett So Flustered That She Tries to Lie to Cover – IOTW Report

Richard Grenell Gets CNN’s Erin Burnett So Flustered That She Tries to Lie to Cover

RedState: Yesterday, Grenell lit into John Bolton but he apparently wasn’t done for the day. The former acting DNI then took to CNN’s airwaves to spar with Erin Burnett. I say spar, because from the moment go, Burnett’s tone was combative and dismissive. All that was missing was a few eye rolls.

Grenell was ready as he always is when she tried to suggest that a document, in this case Bolton’s book, can’t contain both classified information and falsehoods. This is a preschool level attempt at spin that is easily disproved. more

12 Comments on Richard Grenell Gets CNN’s Erin Burnett So Flustered That She Tries to Lie to Cover

  1. So while Ric is a faggot, we can embrace the fact that he is honest AND a Conservative…….. Yeah, I’ll take honest over any other moniker you can offer…. Just me!
    @ TheMule,
    Not my style!

  2. “It’s either highly classified, or it’s fake. It can’t be both.” — Yes, there actually are people this fucking stupid. And a lot of them seem to work at CNN for some reason.

  3. The book pages could easily have just as many lies and truths since books are longer than one page.

    Styxxhexenhammer666 – youtube – The left gargles John Bolton’s Diarrea: And Will probably Regret Doing So


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