Biden Cancer Nonprofit Paid Its Top Execs Millions. It Spent Little to Eradicate Cancer – IOTW Report

Biden Cancer Nonprofit Paid Its Top Execs Millions. It Spent Little to Eradicate Cancer

WFB: Nearly 65 percent of the Biden Cancer Initiative’s money went into the pockets of staffers.

Nearly two-thirds of the money the Biden Cancer Initiative spent since its founding in 2017 went toward staff compensation and six-figure salaries for top executives. The group spent far less on efforts to eradicate cancer.

One of several nonprofits Joe Biden created following his tenure in the White House, the Biden Cancer Initiative paid top executives lavishly, with salaries comprising nearly 65 percent of its total expenditures. That is well above the 25 percent charity watchdogs recommend nonprofits spend on administrative overhead and fundraising costs combined.

The nonprofit raised and spent $4.8 million over its two years in operation, its 2017 and 2018 tax forms show. Slightly more than $3 million of that amount went to salaries, compensation, and benefits. At the same time, the group spent just $1.7 million on all of its other expenses. A bulk of this cash—$740,000—was poured into conferences, conventions, and meetings. It did not cut a single grant to any other group or foundation during its two-year run.

An analysis of nonprofits by Charity Navigator, which rates charities for effectiveness, found that mid-to-large-sized nonprofits paid their chief executives an average salary of $126,000 per year—far less than what the Biden Cancer Initiative paid its president, Greg Simon, who pocketed $224,539 in 2017 and $429,850 in 2018. Charity Navigator’s primary criterion for rating charities is whether they “spend at least 75% of their expenses directly on their programs.” READ MORE

15 Comments on Biden Cancer Nonprofit Paid Its Top Execs Millions. It Spent Little to Eradicate Cancer

  1. This is literally all that prominent democrats do. Every one I know from my family and growing up become affluent in the exact same fraudulent manner as this. The only ones working honest jobs are so incredibly brainwashed that they can’t ever figure out they’re complaining about democrats when they’re trashing Republicans.

  2. Joe has spent an entire career grifting. DC, because of the staggering amounts of money, is the epicenter of the most corrupt activity on the face of the earth and Biden has been up to his elbows in it for decades.
    It’s depressing that so many people just like him screw all of us and never face consequences.

  3. Moonshot!

    Having Biden oversee cancer research because his son had cancer is like inviting Julia Roberts to testify to Congeress about environmentalism because she played Erin Brokovich.

    The sound and the fury signifying the… uh, the…you know the thing.

  4. And you can be sure all those top executives of this fake charity are family and close friends of Jim Crow Joe. And I bet a good portion of the remaining 35% goes toward political campaign donations.

  5. Fraudulent non-profit, paying your buddies big bucks and nearly nothing for cancer research. How many of his buddies kicked back a portion of their lavish salaries to biden or his campaign.
    Would like to know about the entire fraud and and kick back.

  6. Instead of investigating a fake hoax, maybe the FBI should do their job and look into the money laundering the Dem’s have been doing for decades, and while your at it, clean out the Rino’s dirty laundry too.


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