The Political Genius of Donald Trump – IOTW Report

The Political Genius of Donald Trump

American Thinker:

By Wen Wryte

The word ‘genius’ is not often appended to Donald Trump, except perhaps by himself, but he has demonstrated since early 2016 that he does indeed have a rare political genius.  A man not given to modesty, President Trump can rightfully claim he embodies the American ideal of an assured sense of purpose that comes from totally believing in one’s own greatness.  His campaign slogan of 2016 — “Make America Great Again” — was as much about his own greatness rubbing off on America as it was about America’s destiny. 

It is precisely this quality of character that has enabled Trump to be what he has become:  the current symbol of the greatness that America once was and is already becoming again.  But what is most impressive about Trump the man is something that would be a weakness in any other.  He delights in fighting — with unflagging energy — the messy tactical engagements his political enemies force upon him, which would overwhelm a weaker man.  But through all this Trump, the president has been implementing his political strategy as if the constant skirmishes with those trying to unseat him are a mere inconvenience. It is his opponents who are exhausting themselves, whilst seemingly making no dents in his armor, as he continues towards his goal.

So preoccupied with destroying Trump has the Democratic Party been since 2016 that their only success is their own survival.  But the party is even more disunited than in 2016 and is having to downplay the extremism of a younger generation of neo-Marxist activists pushing policies ever leftwards in a way that is alien to most Americans. more here

h/t Snowball the Sourpuss.

6 Comments on The Political Genius of Donald Trump

  1. The 2nd Amendment advocates touting, “If there is ever a Civil War, we’ll win easily, they left hates guns and is unarmed.”

    This is the event you’ve been waiting for, Revolution Calling You.

  2. If we can manage to win House seats and the majority we can make progress.
    But it’s looking more like President Trump will have trouble keeping the Senate and even his re-election is at risk.

  3. I would in no way count on the left not being armed. Obama armed numerous federal agencies during his time in office. Have we forgotten?

    To name just a few;
    Library of Congress
    Federal Reserve Board
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
    Bureau of Land Management
    National Oceanic and the Atmospheric Administration
    U.S. Park Service
    Department of Education
    Post Office
    National Institutes of Health
    Government Printing Office

    Remember that Obama said he wanted a Civilian Security Force? “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

    Did he get it? How would we even know?

    Where did the guns and ammo these agencies along with the many others I have not mentioned end up? The Obama administration orchestrated Fast and Furious and through that proved that they had the means to put armaments in places not expected.

    Yes, they can’t disarm us but they can out-arm us and they probably have.

  4. @ Patrick
    They don’t out number us by a long shot.
    Still not good, and then throw in all the useful idiots burning and tearing everything up.
    Who was that guy that said when the government fears the people there is liberty and freedom?


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