In Blow to Schumer, McGrath Lead Evaporates in KY Senate Primary – IOTW Report

In Blow to Schumer, McGrath Lead Evaporates in KY Senate Primary

WFB: Left-wing insurgent Charles Booker on Thursday jumped to a lead over Amy McGrath, the establishment-backed candidate in Kentucky’s Democratic primary who has spent 40 times more than her competitor.

McGrath now trails Booker, a progressive state representative, by nearly 3,000 votes. The swing occurred after officials from Jefferson County—which includes Booker’s hometown of Louisville—reported in-person vote totals from Election Day. Booker topped McGrath in the county by nearly 65 points, receiving more than 8,300 votes to McGrath’s roughly 1,650.

The race is still far from over. No counties in the state have reported absentee ballot voting, and more than 40 counties have reported no votes at all. Nearly 600,000 Kentucky voters returned absentee ballots, compared with 161,000 who voted in person on Tuesday and 110,000 who voted in person prior to Election Day. read more

10 Comments on In Blow to Schumer, McGrath Lead Evaporates in KY Senate Primary

  1. I’ll take McConnell any day over either of those dems. You’d have to be living in Crazytown to want to see McConnell go down to a dem.

    Granted it he is the epitome of what’s wrong with our government and I’d love to see a Jim Jordan type Republican take him out in the primary, but that didn’t happen(not even close)

  2. OMG, I can’t stop laughing. Great find you have there LCD. Between The Peoples Cube and Babylon Bee my reading list today will keep me busy.
    Oh, and for fun I am working my real job in a dispatch center. Can’t wait for my first emergency so I can direct them to call city hall.

  3. I know that a lot of people would like to see McConnell gone. But, and it’s a big one, McConnell does a lot for Kentucky and makes sure everyone knows it. The only way that’s going to change is if someone with enough name recognition runs against him. So far I haven’t seen anybody that could do that.

    Until recently. Our new Attorney General is getting a lot of good press.

    So… we’ll see. 🙅

    Oh and on the weird side. In the week leading up to the primary anytime I got on YouTube I was flooded with Amy McGrath ads. The weird part? I would swear it was two or three
    different women being pictured every time. Truly odd.

  4. You can never form a political coalition with communists anymore than you can form a human cellular RNA coalition with the Ebola virus. Communists have exactly zero interest in sharing power at all.

  5. Everybody owes Mitch McConnell a thank you.

    Democrats throw tens of millions of dollars down the toilet every election to try to unseat him.

    Do Republicans do that? Send $25M into San Francisco or NY to unseat Pelosi or Schumer?

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