CHAZerbaijan Ripped Apart By Enraged Man Shouting ‘This Is Not A Black Movement’ – IOTW Report

CHAZerbaijan Ripped Apart By Enraged Man Shouting ‘This Is Not A Black Movement’

Daily Caller: This man apparently was fed up with CHAZ, the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle, and decided to take matters into his own hands.

The unidentified man started ripping apart booths and tossing tables in CHAZ on June 25, the video shows. The man also can be heard lecturing bystanders, saying “this is not a Black movement.”

16 Comments on CHAZerbaijan Ripped Apart By Enraged Man Shouting ‘This Is Not A Black Movement’

  1. I’m confused on the reason he claims it’s not a ‘black movement.’ Is it because it’s not and he wants it to be? Or because it is, and he doesn’t want it to be?

  2. No, really. Pay the guy. Hell, I KNOW I’ve been stuck in meetings where the only way out would be to have a big black guy bust in like the KOOl-AIDE man and start flipping tables. “THIS AIN’T NO BLM MOVEMENT!!!!”

    I would start this fellow out at 72K a year.

    Think about it, you’re stuck behind a foursome….suddenly a giant black guy busts out of the bushes and starts throwing their golf bags and flipping their golf cart. “THIS AIN’T NO BLM MEETING!!!”

    No more waiting at checkout lines, bowling alleys….the possibilities are endless.

  3. Remember when the bicycle guy in Maryland or wherever made national news about two weeks ago for ripping the signs out of the teenage girl’s hands she was placing along his route? They doxxed the wrong guy but then charged the real guy.

    “Assault” for a liberal is coming into contact with a different opinion.

    By the Maryland definition, table flipper should be shamed for two days in the national media, right? Charged with a felony. Perp walked into the Department of Right Think next to the Tolerance Square.

    I understand the frustration though. We have “employee resource groups” at my work. One for every color and stripe of the rainbow. Blacks, Latinos (lest we forget Latin-X), gay, women, Asian, young, old…however we can be divided and identified as something other than just an American deserving of equal treatment…we are divided.

    Unfortunately, people don’t always want the responsibility of planning cultural events, sitting in meetings, reaching out to get community speakers and so on. So what happens? They start voting for white people to be the chairman or chairwoman, he she it, whatever. Then, the cultural events turn into stereotype festivals. For Hispanic Heritage month, which is September btw, they will encourage people to bring in food of Central and South America. For Black History Month, the group usually brings in food from a local fried chicken and ribs joint.

    I shit you not. Do you want to be the white person on this committee saying “who’s bringing the fried chicken? Who’s bringing the tacos?”

    I’ve turned on, I’ve tuned in, but I dropped out.

  4. White Antifa punks are trying to leverage BLMs anger and channel it towards dismantling the US economic system.

    For decades they have been trying this gambit: We need angry black men to do the fighting for us. All we have to do is direct it toward the institutions that prop up capitalism and imperialism and change America to a socialist/communist state. The black men will be our soldiers if we do our part and get them all riled up.


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