Operation Smear Parler has begun – IOTW Report

Operation Smear Parler has begun

Patriot Retort: According to the Daily Caller, this week, half a million people signed up for Parler in three days.  That’s a fifty percent increase in Parler users in three freaking days.  I was one of them.  I signed up for Parler on Tuesday.  So naturally the legacy media’s response to this massive increase is to launch Operation Smear Parler.

Hey, you think they just attack people?

Heck no.  They attack everyone and everything that threatens their power and control.

Among those joining in Operation Smear Parler are the gutless Biden-supporting “conservatives” of the Bulwark. more

11 Comments on Operation Smear Parler has begun

  1. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Or is so called free speech reserved only for those who agree with the predominant libtard worldview, all other ideas and speech need not apply. I disagree vehemently with all the anti free speech Nazis and their ungodly and unconstitutional power grab to quell and destroy any thought or idea that they disagree with. The 1st Amendment guarantees us freedom of speech and not the damn govt. or its liberal sycophants in the media, or academia or Hollyweird etc. Without free speech and the 2nd Amendment to protect it we’re screwed.

  2. Why not do exactly what they’ve done to Trump for 4 years?

    They smear anything that leans to the right. Gotta keep their sheep in line and give them words to put in theirs mouths when something truthful comes from the right.

  3. “Crush your enemies,
    See them driven before you,
    Hear the lamentations of their women.”

    The totalitarians KNOW that they are at war – they are out to win a World!
    They are NOT just playing stupid games or waiting for some opening.
    Offense is the best defense. And the nihilists are nothing if not offensive.

    They attack because it keeps the humans off balance.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Ijust went to their website,, what is it, all video?looks like everything is you tube . I have limited data so I guess I can’t join if that’s what it is..

  5. The move to freedom has begun and the arrogant twit and FB tyrannic rule over the web is being rapidly broken.
    The harder they try to tighten their grip over our conversations, the more of us escape.
    Youtubby next.

  6. @Caroleigh–I was hoping someone who had much more knowledge than me would answer your question but I will try. Parler is set up very similarly as Twitter (which I did not belong to). You choose who you want to “follow” (i.e. BFH, Dianny). SOME post you tubes but you do not have to watch them, some post articles, and some post their thoughts, or echo others’ thoughts. Your experience would totally be around who you “follow.”
    I hope someone will expand on this for your edification.


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