‘Legislation Worthy Of George Kirby’: Pelosi And Schumer Both Botch George Floyd’s Name – IOTW Report

‘Legislation Worthy Of George Kirby’: Pelosi And Schumer Both Botch George Floyd’s Name


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) referred to George Floyd as “George Kirby” and “Floyd Taylor” respectively this week as Congress debated police reform.

Pelosi was quoting her conversation with Floyd’s brother when she made her mistake. “I only will do that [name the bill after Floyd] if this legislation is worthy of George Kirby’s name, and he said it is,” the speaker said with a smile. more

24 Comments on ‘Legislation Worthy Of George Kirby’: Pelosi And Schumer Both Botch George Floyd’s Name

  1. Referred to as George Kirby, Floyd Taylor. Those two self-serving scum bags don’t care enough about the man to even know his name. If that doesn’t tell you it’s all about advancing their evil Democrat agenda then you are beyond hope!

  2. Chuckie Schumer must have been referring to this Floyd Taylor. The son of a famous soul singer I remember from back in the day, Johnny Taylor – aaaand they’re black.
    https://youtu.be/HCYPuW1-oZo .
    Doubt Chuckie would know anything about soul singers. Probably just a fluke he mentioned the name of an actual entertainer.
    Again a case of seen one black man, seen them all Democrat trait;

  3. George and Marian Kirby were the ghosts who haunted Cosmo Topper in the 1950s sitcom ‘Topper’. I have no idea who Floyd Taylor is. Perhaps another of James Taylor’s weird siblings?

  4. You’re welcome, Zonga. It is fun to go down memory lane. George Kirby was a decent guy and talented, versatile entertainer.
    Also, sometimes the left’s psychotic drifts result in comic relief, an off topic reference or in this case, a connection to pop culture. Funny, how that happens.

  5. You might be right, willysgoatgruff. Cedric and Kirby’s talents are similar, but Cedric’s comedy is “spicey” sometimes.
    BTW, Cedric the Entertainer has a network comedy series on CBS – “The Neighborhood”. It has been picked up for a second season.
    https://youtu.be/M1COucIcYhU .


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