Trump Blasts Media In Wisconsin Town Hall: ‘It’s Not Only What They Say — It’s What They Don’t Say’ – IOTW Report

Trump Blasts Media In Wisconsin Town Hall: ‘It’s Not Only What They Say — It’s What They Don’t Say’

Federalist– President Donald Trump held a Town Hall with host Sean Hannity, while visiting Green Bay, Wisconsin. During the wide-ranging discussion, which aired Thursday night on Fox News, Trump accused the media of being unfair and in the tank for Joe Biden.

Trump answered questions from Hannity and members of the studio audience but always managed to bring the conversation back to his favorite topic: media bias.

“If I don’t do a show like this, we’re not going to get the word out. … The press is really corrupt and dishonest. I used to say ‘fake news, fake news’ but it’s much worse than fake news. It’s not only what they say. It’s what they don’t say. Something great could be happening, and they refuse to report it.” 

When an audience member asked about his proudest achievement as president, Trump pointed to his administration’s Veterans Affairs reforms, saying a recent poll shows 91 percent approval for the VA among veterans. The mainstream media has largely ignored this turnaround from the VA scandals of the Obama administration.

Trump also addressed the Russia collusion scandal, including the groundbreaking report that proves Obama and Biden were aware of, if they didn’t order, the spying on the Trump campaign.

“What’s happening is a disgrace,” said Trump, “This is a corrupt situation. We caught them spying on my campaign. … I said that a long time ago. … It turned out to be correct. They were spying on my campaign.”  more here

6 Comments on Trump Blasts Media In Wisconsin Town Hall: ‘It’s Not Only What They Say — It’s What They Don’t Say’

  1. “What’s happening is a disgrace,” said Trump, “This is a corrupt situation. We caught them spying on my campaign. … I said that a long time ago. … It turned out to be correct. They were spying on my campaign.”

    …so yes, Mr. President, we know.

    But we’re not President.

    And you ARE.

    So couldn’t you be directing Barr to, I don’t know, DO something about it?

    Lincoln fired McClellan for less inactivity than this!

    …surely one or two of those 15 agents investigating garage door pulls could be repurposed to peek into one or two of these open treasons by our enemies and YOUR enemies?

    …we love you, President Trump, but you COULD push your boy just a BIT harder BEFORE they steal the next election, just sayin’…

  2. There are sins of commission and sins of omission. Everyone concentrates on commission as if the only way to sin is to commit a sin, but God will judge omission and hiding of sin just as greatly.


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